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Access Computed Styles Using the CSSOM in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) is a robust API that enables developers to manipulate and access the styles and rules applied to a web page through JavaScript. One of the powerful features it offers is the ability to access and work with computed styles, which are the final styles that CSS computes based on various context and stylesheet rules.

Understanding Computed Styles

Computed styles are the effective styles that are applied to an element after considering various CSS stylesheets, external styles, and other factors such as specificity and inheritance. These styles take into account all the cascading and inheritance rules and give the final look of an element.

Accessing Computed Styles with window.getComputedStyle()

The window.getComputedStyle() function is the go-to method for accessing the computed styles of an element in JavaScript. This method returns an object that includes the current computed values for all CSS properties.

Basic Usage

// Select the DOM element you are interested in
var element = document.querySelector('div');

// Get the computed style of the element
var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);

// Access a specific computed style property
console.log(style.width); // e.g., 500px
console.log(style.marginTop); // e.g., 20px

This method is particularly useful when you need to calculate dimensions, understand layout, or make decisions dynamically based on responsive design.

Getting All Computed Styles

The window.getComputedStyle() method returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object, which holds all style properties that affect the element. You can loop through these properties to understand how styles apply to the element:

// Example of iterating over all computed properties
for (var prop of style) {
   console.log(`${prop}: ${style.getPropertyValue(prop)}`);

Practical Example

Let's explore a practical example where accessing computed styles can be particularly insightful.

// Consider a function to adjust font size based on computed width
function adjustFontSize(selector) {
    var element = document.querySelector(selector);
    var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
    var width = parseInt(computedStyle.width, 10);
    if (width < 300) { = '12px';
    } else if (width < 600) { = '16px';
    } else { = '20px';

// Call adjustFontSize on a .content-box div

This function assesses the computed width of an element and adjusts the font size for better readability without altering any layout considerations like padding or margin.

Understanding Cross-Browser Behaviors

It is important to be mindful that not all browsers compute styles exactly the same way, due to variations in rendering engines. While major browsers tend to behave consistently in modern times, always consider checking your application across different environments when heavily relying on computed styles. Moreover, some properties might return differently based on the browser's interpretation. For instance, color values may return as rgb() or rgba().


Accessing computed styles in JavaScript allows developers to make dynamic, informed styling decisions that contribute to a responsive and adaptable user experience. By using the window.getComputedStyle() method, you tap into powerful insights about how an element is styled and can adjust your application logic accordingly.

Next Article: Draw and Animate Using the Canvas API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Inject and Remove Styles Dynamically with the CSSOM in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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