Adding a Data Validation Check in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Ensuring data integrity is critical in database systems. This tutorial explains how to implement data validation checks in PostgreSQL to maintain clean and accurate data.

Introduction to Data Validation in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source object-relational database system, offers robust data validation mechanisms. Among these is the CHECK constraint, which ensures that all values in a column satisfy a specific condition. This check helps maintain data integrity by preventing invalid data from being entered into the table.

Adding Basic CHECK Constraints

The simplest form of data validation in PostgreSQL is the CHECK constraint. It can be applied at the time of table creation or added later using the ALTER TABLE command. The syntax for creating a CHECK constraint at table creation is as follows:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    name VARCHAR(100),
    age INT CHECK (age > 18),
    email VARCHAR(255)

To add a new CHECK constraint to an existing table, you use the ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE employees
CHECK (age > 18);

These constraints will prevent the insertion of any row where the age is not greater than 18.

Utilizing Regular Expressions for Data Validation

PostgreSQL supports regular expressions to further refine data checks, especially useful for validating strings such as email addresses or phone numbers. The following example ensures that an email column contains a proper email address format:

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT email_check
CHECK (email ~ '^[^@]+@[^@]+\.com

In this regex pattern, `^` denotes the start of the line, `[^@]+` ensures one or more characters that are not an ‘@’, followed by ‘@’, and `\.com$` ensures the string ends with ‘.com’. This simple pattern can be extended and refined further.

Using Custom Functions in Checks

To handle complex validation, PostgreSQL allows you to define functions and use them in your CHECK constraints. Here’s how to create a custom function and use it for validation:

    RETURN (phone ~ '^(\+[1-9]{1}[0-9]{3,14})

Next, you would associate this function with a constraint on a column:

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT phone_number_check
CHECK (is_valid_phone_number(phone));

This approach allows for a dynamic and powerful method to enforce more complex data validation rules.

Complex Validation Logic: Multi-column and Conditional Checks

In more sophisticated scenarios, you may need to validate data based on multiple columns or conditional logic. For instance, a constraint that only applies when another column fulfills a certain condition:

CREATE TABLE room_bookings (
    room_no INT,
    start_time TIMESTAMP,
    end_time TIMESTAMP,
    status VARCHAR(50),
    CHECK (
        (status = 'Confirmed' AND start_time < end_time) OR
        (status != 'Confirmed')

This CHECK constraint ensures that booking time spans are valid only when the booking status is ‘Confirmed’.

Handling Exceptions and Errors in Data Constraints

Even with constraints in place, exceptions can occur due to updates, deletions, or other changes to the database. Some constraints can be temporarily disabled during maintenance operations, using:


This setting defers constraint checking until the end of a transaction, which can help in complex operations that temporarily violate the constraints.

Performance Considerations

While data validation is essential, it’s important to consider its impact on database performance. Heavier checks, such as those using complex regular expressions or custom functions, can slow down write operations significantly. It’s always recommended to assess the performance trade-offs when designing your data validation strategy.


Data validation in PostgreSQL is a vital part of maintaining the integrity of your data. Effective use of CHECK constraints, regular expressions, and custom functions can help enforce a strong layer of data integrity. However, balance such safeguards with performance considerations to ensure your database operates efficiently.