Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a powerful way to draw vector images in the browser. One of SVG's most compelling features is the ease with which it can be manipulated, particularly through animations using JavaScript. This guide walks through the process of animating SVG images using JavaScript's SVG APIs, presenting clear examples and pragmatic insights into ensuring smooth, effective animations.
Understanding the Basics of SVG
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based format that represents graphics in two dimensions, using outlines rather than pixels, making them ideal for responsiveness and scalability without losing quality. SVG elements include shapes like circle
, rect
, and path
, alongside attributes such as fill
for color, stroke
for border, and more.
Setting Up Your SVG Image
Before we dive into scripting, let’s set up a simple SVG image:
<svg width="200" height="200" xmlns="" id="mySVG">
<circle id="myCircle" cx="100" cy="100" r="50" fill="blue"/>
This code creates a blue circle inside a 200x200 SVG canvas. The id
attribute assigned to this circle will be crucial for JavaScript manipulations.
Animating SVG with CSS for Basic Effects
While this article primarily focuses on JS-based animations, it's worth noting CSS can achieve some compelling animations in a more straightforward manner, such as rotation or fading. Here is a simple example:
#myCircle {
animation: animateCircle 5s infinite alternate;
@keyframes animateCircle {
0% { fill: blue; r: 50; }
100% { fill: red; r: 30; }
This CSS will animate the circle
by changing its radius and fill color over a duration of 5 seconds.
Animating SVG with JavaScript API
Using JavaScript, we can create more complex and interactive animations. The requestAnimationFrame
function allows us to efficiently update animations by tying them to the browser's repaint cycles. Here’s a basic example of animating our SVG circle:
let myCircle = document.getElementById("myCircle");
let growing = true;
let radius = 50;
function animate() {
if (growing) {
radius += 1;
if (radius >= 70) growing = false;
} else {
radius -= 1;
if (radius <= 30) growing = true;
myCircle.setAttribute("r", radius.toString());
This script animates the circle by alternately increasing and decreasing its radius value. The setAttribute
method is used to dynamically adjust the radius during each frame iteration.
Advanced Animations with Velocity and Libraries
For those interested in pushing animation boundaries, consider leveraging libraries such as Snap.svg or GreenSock. These libraries abstract a lot of complexity, providing a wide array of animation options and easing functions:
// Using Velocity.js for animation
Velocity(document.getElementById('myCircle'), {
r: 80,
fill: "#FF0000"
}, {
duration: 1000,
loop: true
This example demonstrates using a library to animate the circle's radius and changing its color with more manageable code.
Animating SVG documents via JavaScript can bring dynamic visuals and interactivity to your web pages without significantly impacting performance. By understanding SVG attributes and utilizing requestAnimationFrame
, you gain simultaneous control over timing and style, giving a polished, seamless graphic animation experience. Experimenting with specialized animation libraries can further expand your capability to create intricate, performance-optimized animations.