Apache: How to block access to a directory

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


As the internet becomes increasingly intertwined with daily life, the security of web servers takes on paramount importance. Amongst the plethora of web servers available, Apache stands out as one of the most popular and versatile systems in use today. Essential to securing an Apache server is the ability to control access to its directories. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into various methods of blocking access to a directory in Apache through configuration directives and access control files.


  • Access to an Apache server
  • Basic knowledge of Apache configuration files
  • Access to a terminal or command line interface (CLI) with permission to modify Apache configurations

Basic: Using .htaccess to Block Access

One of the simplest ways to block access to a particular directory on Apache is by using a .htaccess file. This file is placed in the directory you want to restrict and can be configured to deny access to all users.

Order deny,allow Deny from all 

When you save this code in a .htaccess file within the directory, Apache reads this directive and denies access to the folder. The user will receive a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access the directory via a browser.

Using Require directive (Apache 2.4 and beyond)

In Apache 2.4, the Order, Deny, Allow directives have been deprecated in favor of the Require directive. Below is the equivalent configuration:

Require all denied 

Again, placing this directive in a .htaccess file within the directory will cause Apache to block access.

Moderate: Blocking Access From Apache Configuration File

For a more global approach without using .htaccess, which can also lead to improved performance, you can update the Apache configuration file directly. The main configuration file, commonly known as httpd.conf or apache2.conf can be found in the /etc/httpd/ or /etc/apache2/ directories.

Blocking a Single Directory

<Directory /var/www/html/secure-dir> Require all denied </Directory> 

This directive tells Apache to deny access to the directory at /var/www/html/secure-dir. Ensure that you restart Apache after making any changes to the configuration file:

sudo systemctl restart apache2 

Blocking Multiple Directories

To block access to multiple directories, simply repeat the directory block with the desired directory path:

<Directory /var/www/html/secure-dir1> Require all denied </Directory> <Directory /var/www/html/secure-dir2> Require all denied </Directory> 

Advanced: Conditional Access Control

Apache allows for sophisticated access control based on conditions like IP addresses, environment variables, and request methods. Here are examples of advanced configurations:

Blocking Based on IP Address

<Directory /var/www/html/secure-dir> 
   Require all granted Require not ip 

This configuration blocks access to the directory for the user with the IP address while allowing everyone else.

Deny Access Based on Request Method

<Directory /path/to/directory> 
   Require all granted 
       <Limit POST PUT DELETE> 
           Require all denied 

This snippet denies access to the directory if the request method is POST, PUT, or DELETE.


Securing directories within Apache is a crucial part of server management and data protection. We’ve covered methods ranging from straightforward .htaccess configurations to more complex conditional blocks. By understanding and leveraging Apache’s access control capabilities, administrators can ensure that their content is safeguarded against unauthorized access.