Apache mod_autoindex module: A complete guide

Updated: January 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The Apache HTTP server is a rugged and powerful server that powers a significant portion of the internet. One of its many versatile features is the mod_autoindex module, which automatically generates directory listings, helping with navigation when there isn’t an index file present. This guide will cover what you need to know about the Apache mod_autoindex module including how to enable, configure, and customize it.

Getting Started with mod_autoindex

To begin, the mod_autoindex module should be enabled on your Apache server. Depending on your operating system distribution, the module might be enabled by default. You can check the availability of the module by running:

apachectl -M | grep autoindex

If nothing is returned, you can enable the module manually by editing your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf or apache2.conf, typically located in /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd) and adding the following:

LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so

Remember to restart Apache after making changes to the configuration:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Configuring mod_autoindex

Once mod_autoindex is enabled, you can control its behavior using .htaccess files or directly within your site’s configuration files. Here are the directives you can use:

  • IndexOptions: Configure the look and feel of the directory listings.
  • IndexIgnore: Ignore specified files or directories.
  • AddIcon: Add icons by file extension or name.
  • AddDescription: Add a description to a file or directory.

To configure a simple directory listing, you could use something like:

<Directory "/var/www/html/files">
    Options +Indexes

This block would go into your configuration file and result in Apache listing the contents of ‘/var/www/html/files’ if there is no index file present.

Continuing with the customization, you want to ignore certain files from appearing in the listings:

IndexIgnore *.php

This will prevent any PHP files from appearing in directory listings for the user’s security and privacy.

Customizing the Appearance

The mod_autoindex module comes with multiple options to customize the listings to be more user-friendly. You might want to add descriptions to the directories to inform visitors about their contents:

AddDescription "Free software downloads" /files/downloads

You can even customize the icons for the listed files and directories. For example:

AddIcon /icons/image2.gif .gif


For an even more user-friendly experience, you can enable FancyIndexing:

IndexOptions +FancyIndexing

This enables descriptive names, adds file sizes, and the last modified dates to the directory listing giving a better overview at first glance.

Implementing Sortable Tables

With HTML5 and JavaScript, you can take the directory listing to the next level. While not a feature of mod_autoindex itself, this implementation involves expanding the use of index options to include HTML table tags that can be manipulated with JavaScript. Many Apache administrators enhance directory listings with client-side scripts to create sortable tables.


The mod_autoindex module provides handy directory listing features that can greatly improve user experience when an index file doesn’t exist. With various options to configure, ignore files, and even customize with icons and descriptions, it offers website managers intuitive controls over how listings are presented.

It’s significant to ensure that you carefully craft your .htaccess files and server configurations to prevent information disclosure vulnerabilities. Hiding sensitive files and directories is critical for server security. Overall, when used properly, mod_autoindex can be an asset, not only for server management purposes but also for adding a touch of user-friendliness and organization to the web server’s file directory system.

While this guide gives a comprehensive understanding of mod_autoindex, you are encouraged to delve into the official Apache mod_autoindex documentation for a deeper understanding and to stay updated with any new changes or enhancements to the module.