Apache mod_GeoIP Module: The Complete Guide

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The Apache mod_GeoIP module enables webmasters and developers to utilize geolocation technology to enhance user experience, security, and site analytics. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to install, configure, and implement mod_GeoIP in different scenarios using practical code examples.

What is mod_GeoIP used for?

mod_GeoIP is an Apache module that uses the GeoIP library to identify the geographic location of a website visitor in real-time. It determines location by the visitor’s IP address and can be useful in a multitude of situations such as content personalization, language redirection, fraud detection, and more.


To begin using mod_GeoIP, you first need to install it. On most Linux distributions, you can use package managers like apt or yum:

# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-geoip

# CentOS/Red Hat
sudo yum install mod_geoip

After installation, you need to enable the module and then restart Apache for the changes to take effect:

sudo a2enmod geoip
sudo systemctl restart apache2


Configuration of mod_GeoIP involves editing Apache’s config files. Typically, you’ll update the httpd.conf or a virtual host file:

GeoIPEnable On
GeoIPDBFile /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat

This basic configuration enables GeoIP and points Apache to the GeoIP database file. Databases can be found at the MaxMind website, which provide different levels of detail.

Accessing GeoIP Data

Once configured, mod_GeoIP sets environment variables for each request containing location information:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://ca.example.com$1 [L,R=302]

The above code snippet would redirect all traffic from Canada to a Canadian subdomain. Here’s how you could block access to a resource from specified countries:

<Limit GET POST>
Deny from env=BlockCountry

Integrating With Scripts

mod_GeoIP can also be used alongside server-side scripts such as PHP or Python. Here’s how you can access GeoIP data in PHP:

$country_code = apache_getenv("GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE");
if ($country_code == 'US') {
    // Perform action for US visitors

In Python, using mod_wsgi, it could look like this:

from os import environ
if 'GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE' in environ:
    country_code = environ['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE']
    # Logic based on country code

Updating GeoIP Database

The GeoIP databases are updated regularly. To maintain accurate geolocation, website administrators must update the databases periodically:

cd /usr/share/GeoIP
wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz
gunzip GeoIP.dat.gz

Ensure to restart the Apache service after updating the database.

GeoIP and Privacy Regulations

When using geolocation data, consider privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA. Always inform users about the data you collect and its purpose in your privacy policy.


Apache’s mod_GeoIP module offers robust capabilities for geolocation service integrations on a web server, useful for a variety of applications in web development and hosting. Whether you’re personalizing user content or securing your site from specific threats, mod_GeoIP is versatile and can be a valuable addition to your server setup.

Implementing mod_GeoIP requires attention to detail and consideration of related legal frameworks. With proper configuration and maintenance, it can greatly contribute to the functionality and user experience of your website.