Apache mod_userdir module: A complete guide

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is one of the most widely used web servers in the world. Apache is renowned for its flexibility, and a significant part of this flexibility comes from modules. In this guide, we will discuss the mod_userdir module, which allows user-specific directories to be accessed via the web server.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to enable and configure mod_userdir module, how to tailor it to your needs, and ensure that you’re using it securely.

What is mod_userdir?

The mod_userdir module is a convenient way to allow users of a Unix-based system to host their own web content in their home directories. It works by translating a URL into a location within the user’s home directory. For example, if your server’s domain is example.com and you have a user named john, the content hosted in ~john/public_html/ could be accessed via http://example.com/~john/.

Enabling mod_userdir

To begin using mod_userdir, it must first be enabled in Apache’s configuration. This can vary depending on your system’s setup, but typically involves uncommenting or adding a line to one of your configuration files:

a2enmod userdir

After enabling the module, you’ll need to restart Apache to apply the changes:

service apache2 restart

Basic Configuration

After enabling the module, configure it by editing your Apache configuration file, usually located at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf, depending on your distribution. Inside that file, you will find a directive which controls the behavior of the mod_userdir module.

  UserDir disabled
  UserDir enabled john

This configuration disables user directories by default but enables it for the user john. Only john‘s public_html directory will be accessible via the web.

Security Considerations

One of the primary concerns when using mod_userdir is security. Here are some steps you can take to secure user directories:

  • Restrict access using .htaccess files.
  • Leverage the Require directive to grant access only to certain IP addresses or users.
  • Regularly update and patch Apache and the underlying operating system.

Example of restricting access with .htaccess:

Require all denied
Require ip

This configuration denies access to everyone except for users within the subnet.

Advanced Configuration

You can also use mod_userdir to specify different directory names for user content or to exclude certain users. For example, to specify a different directory name, you can replace public_html with another directory name in the UserDir directive. To exclude users, use the UserDir disabled syntax followed by the usernames to exclude:

UserDir usersites
UserDir disabled root

This configuration specifies that user content will live in a directory named usersites within the user’s home directory, and it disables access for the root user.

Virtual Hosts and mod_userdir

If you use virtual hosts, you must specifically enable mod_userdir for each host. Here’s how you can set it up within a configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Other VirtualHost configurations

    UserDir enabled alice bob charlie

    <Directory "/home/*/public_html">
        AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
        Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
        Require method GET POST OPTIONS


This configuration enables user directories only for users Alice, Bob, and Charlie within this particular virtual host. The <Directory> directive further configures access to these user directories.

  • UserDir enabled alice bob charlie: This line specifies that the user directories are enabled for users Alice, Bob, and Charlie. Replace these names with the actual usernames on your system whose directories you want to be accessible via the web.
  • <Directory "/home/*/public_html">: This block sets the permissions and options for accessing the user directories. It applies to any directory named public_html inside a user’s home directory (/home/<username>/public_html).
    • AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit: Specifies which directives in an .htaccess file can override server configuration settings.
    • Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec: Sets the options for this directory. For example, MultiViews enables content negotiation, Indexes allows directory listing if no index file is found, and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch permits symbolic links only if the owner matches.
    • Require method GET POST OPTIONS: Restricts the allowed HTTP methods for accessing these directories.

This configuration should be adjusted according to your server’s security policies and user requirements. Remember that allowing user directories can have security implications, so it’s important to configure these settings carefully.


In this guide, you’ve learned what the mod_userdir module does, how to enable it, and how to securely configure it to serve user-specific content. Always remember to properly manage permissions, ensure regular system updates, and regularly review your configuration to maintain security. As always, consult the official Apache documentation for the most up-to-date guidance and instructions.

With the power and flexibility of the mod_userdir module, you have yet another tool at your disposal for hosting web content with Apache that is both convenient and secure!