Array data type in PostgreSQL: Store multiple values in a single column

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


PostgreSQL offers robust data types, and among them is the array. This feature allows storing multiple values in a single column, providing a versatile way to handle data aggregation directly within your database.

Understanding PostgreSQL Arrays

Arrays in PostgreSQL are a collection of elements that share a common data type. You can define a one-dimensional array for a simple list, or multi-dimensional arrays for complex structures. To declare an array, append square brackets to the data type name.

CREATE TABLE example (
  numbers INT[]

Once you’ve set up a table with an array type, you can insert data:

INSERT INTO example (numbers) VALUES ('{1,2,3}');

You can retrieve the elements with a SELECT query and use array functions and operators to manipulate them:

SELECT numbers FROM example WHERE id = 1;

Working with Array Functions

PostgreSQL provides a suite of functions to work with arrays effectively. Let’s explore some basic operations.

Array Length: Use array_length() to get the array’s length.

SELECT array_length(numbers, 1) FROM example WHERE id = 1;

Array Append: Use array_append() to add an element at the end of the array.

UPDATE example SET numbers = array_append(numbers, 4) WHERE id = 1;

Array Replace: Use array_replace() to substitute elements.

UPDATE example SET numbers = array_replace(numbers, 3, 5) WHERE id = 1;

Advanced Array Manipulation

For more advanced users, PostgreSQL arrays permit sophisticated operations that can streamline queries and operations.

Slicing Arrays: You can extract a subset of an array with array slicing.

SELECT numbers[1:2] FROM example WHERE id = 1;

Expanding Arrays: The unnest() function transforms an array into a set of rows.

SELECT unnest(numbers) FROM example WHERE id = 1;

Aggregating Values: Use array_agg() to aggregate values into an array.

SELECT array_agg(amount) FROM transactions;

Indexing and Performance

Indexing arrays can greatly enhance query performance. Here’s how to create a GIN index on an array column:

CREATE INDEX idx_numbers_gin ON example USING GIN (numbers);

This type of index is particularly effective for queries that check for array element existence.

Working with Multi-dimensional Arrays

PostgreSQL also supports multi-dimensional arrays. These can be particularly handy for storing matrices or other multi-dimensional data.

UPDATE example SET numbers = '{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}' WHERE id = 2;

Accessing elements in a multi-dimensional array is as straightforward as referencing their indices:

SELECT numbers[2][1] FROM example WHERE id = 2;

Best Practices and Limitations

When using arrays in PostgreSQL:

  • Ensure array data types are appropriately sized for performance.
  • Avoid excessively large or deeply nested arrays that can lead to complicated queries and difficulty in maintenance.
  • Consider normalizing your data if your arrays become too complex.

Also be aware that PostgreSQL’s arrays come with some limitations:

  • Operations on big arrays can be memory-intensive.
  • Not all client libraries may fully support array operations.


PostgreSQL arrays offer a flexible way to store and interact with multiple values in a single column, empowering developers to design efficient and creative data storage solutions. With a good understanding of their use cases and limitations, arrays can be a powerful tool in your PostgreSQL arsenal.