Best practices for naming tables and columns in MySQL 8

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Naming conventions are a critical aspect of database design. They improve readability, maintenance, and the consistency of your database schema. This tutorial dives into the best practices for naming tables and columns in MySQL 8, with a variety of code examples to illustrate the concepts.

Understanding MySQL 8 Naming Rules

Before delving into the best practices, we must understand the foundational rules for naming in MySQL 8:

  • Names can contain most characters, including numbers, but must begin with a letter or an underscore.
  • They cannot be MySQL reserved words unless quoted with backticks.
  • Names should not be longer than 64 characters.

Simple Table Naming


CREATE TABLE employee (
    employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50)

Output: A table named ’employee’ is created with three columns.

Prefixed Table Naming


CREATE TABLE hr_employee (
    employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50)

Output: A table with a descriptive prefix ‘hr_’ indicates the Human Resources department.

Best Practices for Naming Tables

  • Use singular nouns for table names.
  • Use lowercase letters and underscores to separate words.
  • Prefix tables with a functional area or module name for clarity.

Descriptive Column Naming


    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,

Output: The ‘order_’ prefix in column names clarifies the columns’ relationship to the order table.

Best Practices for Naming Columns

  • Be descriptive and concise.
  • Include a prefix based on the table name for foreign keys.
  • Use common abbreviations such as ‘id’ for identifier.

Using Backticks for Reserved Words


CREATE TABLE `group` (
    `group_id` INT PRIMARY KEY,
    `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

Output: Backticks allow the use of a reserved word ‘group’ as a table name.

Advanced Naming Techniques

For complex databases, consider:

  • Naming junction tables with the names of the tables they connect.
  • Using prefixes for denoting many-to-many relationships.
  • Abbreviating lengthy words in table or column names.

Many-to-Many Relationship Table Naming


CREATE TABLE student_course (
    student_id INT,
    course_id INT,
    PRIMARY KEY(student_id, course_id)

Output: Joined table ‘student_course’ illustrating many-to-many relationship.

Abbreviating Lengthy Names


    cust_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    cust_name VARCHAR(50)

Output: ‘cust_’ abbreviation for ‘customer’, to simplify and shorten names.

Naming Conventions for Indexes and Constraints

Indexes and constraints should also adhere to clear naming conventions.

  • Use a consistent pattern, like idx__.
  • Name constraints with their type, such as fk__ for foreign keys.

Index Naming Example


CREATE INDEX idx_employee_last_name ON employee(last_name);

Output: An index to improve the performance of queries on ’employee’ surname.

Naming Foreign Key Constraints


ALTER TABLE hr_employee
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_department_id
FOREIGN KEY(department_id) REFERENCES department(department_id);

Output: A foreign key constraint ‘fk_department_id’ that links ‘hr_employee’ to ‘department’.


The use of intentional, clear, and consistent naming conventions in MySQL 8 will not only make your schema reflect best practices but also enhance the comprehensibility and development process for anyone who interfaces with the database. A well-named schema serves as self-documenting, aiding in the efficient transmission of database structure and intent.