Boolean data type in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The Boolean data type in PHP represents two possible states: true or false. It’s a fundamental concept used in control structures such as if statements and loops, as well as in expressing conditional logic in PHP applications.

Understanding Booleans in PHP

In PHP, the Boolean data type is often the result of comparisons or conditions. A true or false value is returned when evaluating any condition. Let’s begin by looking at how you can define Boolean variables, using simple true and false assignments.

$flag1 = true;
$flag2 = false;

PHP is a loosely typed language, which means variables do not need their data type to be declared. Booleans can also be the result of expressions:

$isValid = (3 > 2); // true
$isIdentical = (3 === '3'); // false

Boolean Operations

You can perform logical operations on booleans using logical operators. The basic logical operators include && (AND), || (OR), and ! (NOT).

$user_is_admin = true;
$user_is_logged_in = true;
$can_access_dashboard = $user_is_admin && $user_is_logged_in;

The $can_access_dashboard variable will only be true if both $user_is_admin and $user_is_logged_in are true. Similarly, you can use || for an OR operation and ! to negate a boolean value.

Type Casting and Booleans

In PHP, you can cast variables to a boolean context using (bool) or (boolean). Non-boolean values are considered as true except for several ‘falsy’ values. These include the integers 0 and -0, the floats 0.0 and -0.0, the empty string and string ‘0’, an array with zero elements, the special type NULL, and finally, SimpleXML objects created from empty tags.

$is_empty_string = (boolean) ''; // false
$is_zero = (boolean) 0; // false
$is_array_empty = (boolean) []; // false

Comparing with Booleans

When comparing variables to boolean values, it’s important to be aware of PHP’s type juggling. Using loose comparison (==) can lead to unexpected results because the values are compared only after type conversion. It’s often recommended to use strict comparison (===) when you want to ensure both value and type match.

is_bool('php') == true; // true, as 'php' is a truthy value
'php' === true; // false, because 'php' is not a boolean type

Booleans in Control Structures

Control structures in PHP utilize the Boolean type extensively. Here it is in the context of an if statement, a switch statement, and a while loop:

if ($is_logged_in) {
    // code to execute if user is logged in

switch ($is_logged_in) {
    case true:
        // code if true

    case false:
        // code if false

while ($keep_running) {
    // code to execute as long as $keep_running is true

Truth Values in Conditions

Be mindful of the truthy and falsy values in PHP when using them in conditional statements. For example, empty arrays or null variables will evaluate to false.

$maybeEmpty = [];
if ($maybeEmpty) {
    // This block will not execute

$possiblyNull = null;
if ($possiblyNull) {
    // Neither will this block

Advanced Boolean Concepts

You can encounter advanced scenarios where boolean values become crucial. One such example is the use of bitwise operators to manipulate specific bits within integers. Although this takes you out of the realm of simple true or false logic, the underlying principles of boolean algebra still apply.

$user_permissions = 0b0011;
$can_edit_posts  = 0b0001;

// Check if user has 'edit posts' permission
$has_permission = ($user_permissions & $can_edit_posts) === $can_edit_posts;


The Boolean data type in PHP is both straightforward and essential. By understanding how true and false values are determined, manipulated, and utilized within PHP, you can write more robust and reliable code. Remember always to consider the context in which you’re using booleans, avoid common pitfalls with type juggling, and prefer strict comparisons.