Boolean data type in PostgreSQL: How to store true/false values

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PostgreSQL, the Boolean data type is a fundamental component used to store true or false values, enabling developers to handle conditional logic directly within their databases. Understanding the nuances of the Boolean data type is critical for building efficient and reliable data models.

Getting Started with Boolean

To use Booleans in PostgreSQL, you can simply declare a column of type Boolean in your table definition. Here’s a basic example of creating a table with a Boolean column:

   is_active BOOLEAN

Inserting data into this table could look like this:

INSERT INTO users (is_active) VALUES (true);
INSERT INTO users (is_active) VALUES (false);

When querying Boolean data, you could do the following:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE is_active = true;

Working with NULL Values

PostgreSQL Booleans can also be NULL, meaning that the value is unknown. Handling NULL values is an important aspect of Boolean logic in PostgreSQL:

INSERT INTO users (is_active) VALUES (NULL);

To check for NULL values, use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE is_active IS NULL;

Boolean Expressions and Operators

PostgreSQL provides a variety of operators and functions that work with Boolean values:

  • AND, OR, and NOT operators are used to combine Boolean expressions.
  • Comparison operators such as >,<,=, which return Boolean results.
  • Built-in functions like COALESCE and NULLIF, which can manage NULL values within Boolean contexts.

Here’s how to use Boolean operators:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE is_active = true AND id > 10;

Indexing Boolean Columns

To optimize queries on Boolean columns, especially in large datasets, you can create indexes. A partial index, for instance, can be created to index only active users:

CREATE INDEX idx_active_users ON users (id) WHERE is_active = true;

Using Booleans in User-Defined Functions

You can also use Boolean data types in your PostgreSQL functions:

   RETURN (SELECT is_active FROM users WHERE id = user_id);
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This function returns the active status of a user given their user ID.

Advanced Boolean Logic

Advanced users might implement Boolean logic with case statements, subqueries, and joins. Here’s an example with a case statement:

           WHEN is_active THEN 'Active User'
           ELSE 'Inactive User'
       END as user_status
FROM users;


Understanding the Boolean data type’s workings in PostgreSQL is crucial for efficient data representations and logic handling in databases. The examples provided here ranged from basic usage to more complex applications of Boolean logic, showcasing the flexibility and power of PostgreSQL’s handling of true/false values. Whether you’re creating simple flag columns or developing sophisticated queries, appropriately utilized Booleans will greatly enhance your database design and functionality.