Branches and Pull Requests in Jenkins: A Deep Dive (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Jenkins, the open-source automation server, has become an indispensable tool in modern software development for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). Handling branches and managing pull requests efficiently in Jenkins is crucial for teams aiming for a robust development workflow. This deep dive, complete with examples, will elucidate the handling of branches and pull requests in Jenkins to streamline your development process.

Getting Started with Jenkins and Branch Handling

Jenkins offers vast capabilities for automating all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and deploying software. Branch-based development practices are widely adopted for feature development, bug fixes, and experimentation. To leverage the full potential of Jenkins in such a dynamic environment requires an understanding of how Jenkins deals with branches, especially within the context of multi-branch projects.

In Jenkins, multi-branch pipelines automatically detect new branches in the source code repository and create pipeline runs for each. This enables developers to automate tests and builds for every change made in any branch. Let’s start with setting up a basic multi-branch pipeline.

Setting Up a Multi-branch Pipeline

Step 1: Open Jenkins and go to 'New Item'.
Step 2: Select 'Multibranch Pipeline' and enter a name for your item.
Step 3: Configure the source repository (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket) by adding credentials and repository URL.
Step 4: Configure branch sources by specifying the branch discovery configuration.
Step 5: Save and run the pipeline.

The above steps will set up a basic multi-branch pipeline in Jenkins. Whenever a new branch is pushed to the repository, Jenkins will automatically detect it and create a new build for that branch.

Automating Pull Requests with Jenkins

Automating the process of building and testing pull requests before they are merged into the main branch is a critical aspect of modern CI/CD practices. Jenkins facilitates this through the use of webhooks and pipeline scripts that automatically trigger builds upon pull request events.

Here is a basic example of handling pull requests in Jenkins:

Step 1: Set up a webhook in your GitHub repository to notify Jenkins of pull request events.
Step 2: Configure your Jenkins pipeline to trigger on `GitHub pull request` events.
Step 3: Use pipeline scripts to build and test the code in the pull request.

This setup ensures that every pull request is automatically tested, providing immediate feedback to developers and preventing the integration of breaking changes.

Advanced Branch and PR Strategies

As teams grow and projects become more complex, the handling of branches and pull requests in Jenkins might require more sophisticated strategies. Here are some advanced techniques:

Parameterized Builds for Advanced Testing

Parameterized builds in Jenkins can be used to test pull requests in different environments or with different configurations. This is particularly useful for testing how changes will perform under different conditions.

def branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME
def runTests = {
  // Define your testing process here, possibly including
  // environment parameters

pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
    stage('Test') {
      steps {
        script {

Handling Complex Workflows with Jenkinsfile

For more complex workflows, especially those involving multiple stages of testing, building, and deploying, a Jenkinsfile allows for comprehensive script-based pipeline configurations. Here’s a small snippet:

pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        sh 'make'
    stage('Test') {
      steps {
        sh './'
    stage('Deploy') {
      when {
        branch 'main'
      steps {
        sh './'

This Jenkinsfile demonstrates a pipeline that performs builds, tests, and conditionally deploys based on the branch.


Mastering branches and pull requests in Jenkins is pivotal for teams seeking to enhance their CI/CD workflow. Starting with the basics of multi-branch pipelines and progressing to advanced techniques for handling pull requests and complex workflows, Jenkins provides the flexibility and power to support sophisticated continuous integration practices. By automating the build and test process for every change, teams can substantially improve their development efficiency and software quality.