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Build Offline-Ready Apps Using the JavaScript File System API

Last updated: December 12, 2024

In today's world, web applications aim to be as versatile and user-friendly as possible. One way to achieve this is by offering offline functionality. The JavaScript File System API is an excellent tool for building offline-ready apps, allowing users to read, write, and modify files locally without internet access. In this article, we'll explore how to leverage the File System API to create a fully functional offline app.

Understanding the File System API

The JavaScript File System API provides access to files and directories on the user's local machine. It's part of a suite of technologies that enable web apps to function offline, like Service Workers or IndexedDB. With the File System API, you can allow users to manage their files within your application, providing an experience akin to native applications.

Using the File System API

To start using the File System API, you need to ensure that it's supported in your user's browser. At the time of writing, Chromium-based browsers like Google Chrome and Edge mostly support this API.

if ('showOpenFilePicker' in window) {
  console.log('File System API is supported!');
} else {
  console.error('File System API is not supported in this browser.');

Selecting Files

The first step in working with files offline is to prompt the user to select a file. You can achieve this using the showOpenFilePicker method.

async function selectFile() {
  // Opens a file picker and returns an array of handles
  const [fileHandle] = await window.showOpenFilePicker();

  // Get a File object from the handle
  const file = await fileHandle.getFile();
  return file;

Reading File Contents

Once you have access to a file, the next step is to read its contents. The File API allows you to read data using various methods. Here’s how you can read the file as text:

async function readFile(fileHandle) {
  const file = await fileHandle.getFile();
  const content = await file.text();
  return content;

Writing to Files

To allow offline editing, your application needs to be able to write data back to files. The File System API provides write capabilities that enable saving changes directly to local files:

async function saveFile(fileHandle, content) {
  // Create a writable stream
  const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
  // Write the content to the file
  await writable.write(content);

  // Close the stream
  await writable.close();

Creating New Files

Besides modifying existing files, it's often necessary to create new files on the user’s device. This functionality provided by the API makes your web application more like a desktop software.

async function createFile() {
  // Create a new file using the file picker
  const options = {
    suggestedName: 'newFile.txt',
    types: [
      { description: 'Text Files', accept: {'text/plain': ['.txt']} }
  const fileHandle = await window.showSaveFilePicker(options);

  // Optionally write default content
  await saveFile(fileHandle, "Hello, World!");

Handling Permissions

Working with local files necessitates special attention to security and permissions. The File System API ensures this by initially allowing only read access. To write or create files, permission needs to be explicitly granted by the user through prompts.

In your web application, it’s a good practice to request necessary permissions up-front and handle any errors or rejections gracefully. This ensures a seamless user experience.


Building offline-ready web applications opens up new dimensions of accessibility and functionality for users. By integrating the JavaScript File System API in your web app, users can employ a reliable interface for file management without worrying about constant internet connectivity. As browser support widens, the possibilities for offline web development expand, making it a valuable skill for modern web developers.

Next Article: Browse User Files with the File and Directory Entries API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Implement Persistent Data Storage via the File System API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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