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Build Responsive Game Controls Using JavaScript and the Gamepad API

Last updated: December 12, 2024

In modern web development, creating immersive and interactive experiences is essential, and games are a big part of this experience. One way to enhance your web-based games is by implementing responsive game controls using JavaScript and the Gamepad API. This article will guide you through building basic game controls that respond to gamepad inputs. This results in more engaging gameplay and wider accessibility to users with different input devices.

What is the Gamepad API?

The Gamepad API is a set of JavaScript interfaces that provide the necessary tools to connect and interact with gamepads, joysticks, and other game input devices on browsers that support the API. It enables access to connected gamepads and reads their state in real-time, allowing developers to create fluid and responsive controls that are second nature to the players.

Checking for Gamepad Support

The first step in utilizing the Gamepad API is to ensure that your game environment supports it. Not all browsers currently have full support for the Gamepad API, so this verification is essential.

if (navigator.getGamepads) {
  console.log('Gamepad API is supported');
} else {
  console.log('Gamepad API is not supported');

This simple script checks whether the browser supports the API and informs us accordingly.

Accessing the Gamepad

Once you know the Gamepad API is supported, you can retrieve information about connected gamepads. Let's look at how we can grab the state of connected gamepads:

window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", (event) => {
  console.log("A gamepad has been connected:", event.gamepad);

When a gamepad is connected, this event listener logs the gamepad information. Additionally, you can iterate over all connected gamepads using:

const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
for (let i = 0; i < gamepads.length; i++) {
  console.log("Gamepad at index", i, ":", gamepads[i]);

This code fetches a list of active gamepads and logs each one's details.

Responsive Input Handling

Responsive handling of gamepad input is crucial for player satisfaction. Here is how you can manage button presses and joystick movements:

function buttonPressed(b) {
  if (typeof(b) === "object") {
    return b.pressed;
  return b === 1.0;

This function checks if a button is pressed. A similar approach is used to watch joystick axes' movement by using the axes property:

function updateGamepadStatus() {
  const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();

  for (const gamepad of gamepads) {
    if (!gamepad) continue;

    // Process buttons
    gamepad.buttons.forEach((button, index) => {
      if (buttonPressed(button)) {
        console.log(`Button ${index} is pressed`);

    // Process axes
    for (let i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i += 2) {
      const x = gamepad.axes[i];
      const y = gamepad.axes[i + 1];
      console.log(`Joystick ${i / 2}: x${x}, y${y}`);


Utilizing requestAnimationFrame ensures that input checks are performed every frame, allowing smooth gameplay. By logging button and joystick status, you can respond to these events in your game logic accordingly.


Building responsive game controls using JavaScript and the Gamepad API offers an exciting opportunity to enhance web-based games, provide richer interactivity, and offer users a familiar console-like experience. By attaching event listeners and using update loops, you can easily handle button presses and joystick movements, making your games more engaging. As with any developing technology, keep an eye out for potential updates or changes to the Gamepad API specifications that may enhance or modify its functionality further.

Next Article: Map Custom Input Schemes with the JavaScript Gamepad API

Previous Article: Detect Button Presses and Joysticks via the Gamepad API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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