How to Choose the Right Hardware and Network Settings for Kafka

Updated: January 30, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Apache Kafka is a popular distributed streaming platform designed for high-throughput, low-latency data streaming. With the increasing demand for real-time data processing and analytics, choosing the right hardware and network settings for Kafka can significantly impact its performance. This tutorial provides best practices for selecting hardware and configuring network settings to optimize Kafka for your use case.

Understanding Kafka’s Hardware Needs

When choosing hardware for Kafka, it is crucial to understand the nature of its workload. Kafka functions as a distributed commit log, where I/O operations heavily impact performance. A balanced selection of CPU, memory, and storage is essential for optimal operation.

1. CPU: Each Kafka broker can handle hundreds of reads and writes per second. More partitions equate to more traffic and thereby require more CPU power. A modern multi-core processor that supports multi-threading is ideal for Kafka.

2. Memory: Kafka uses the operating system’s page cache to buffer incoming and outgoing messages. A minimum of 32GB RAM is a good starting point, but consider increasing this based on your data retention policy and expected throughput.

3. Storage: Disk I/O is often the bottleneck for Kafka’s performance. High-performance SSDs are recommended over traditional HDDs due to their low latency and fast write speeds. Configuring Kafka to use RAID 10 can also increase data redundancy and read/write performance.

Choosing the Right Disk Types

For log retention and segment files, SSDs (e.g., NVMe SSDs for higher performance) are preferred:

  • log.dirs=/mnt/kafka1,/mnt/kafka2

Network Configuration

The network plays a pivotal role in Kafka’s overall performance. Here are some key network considerations:

  • NIC (Network Interface Cards): Invest in at least 10Gbps NICs.
  • Bandwidth: Ensure your network can handle the peak throughput required by Kafka without bottlenecks.
  • Latency: Use low-latency switches and configure Quality of Service (QoS) if necessary.

It’s also important to configure Kafka’s networking properties correctly. The listeners and advertised.listeners properties, for example, control how brokers communicate with clients and other brokers. For optimal performance, separate internal and external traffic:


Kafka Broker Configuration

Configuring Kafka’s broker settings is vital for performance tuning. Some configurations that can be adjusted include:

  • This determines the number of threads for network requests. A higher number can increase throughput.
  • This represents the I/O threads, which deals with disk access. They should be proportional to your disk’s capabilities.
  • socket.send.buffer.bytes and socket.receive.buffer.bytes: They control the TCP send and receive buffer sizes. It is advisable to increase these settings in high-throughput environments.

For example, adjusting the number of network threads can be done as such:

Partitions and Replication

The way you set up partitions and replication affects Kafka’s performance and fault tolerance. Distribute partitions evenly across brokers to balance the load. Replication provides redundancy but requires more disk space and can impact write performance. Choose a replication factor relevant to your availability needs:


Increase partitions for higher throughput, but keep an eye on the number as more partitions may increase the overhead on the controller manager and require more open file handles:

bin/ --create --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 10 --topic my-high-throughput-topic

Operating System Adjustments

The operating system can also be tuned for better Kafka performance through parameters such as:

  • File descriptors: Increase the limit of open file descriptors.
  • Swappiness: Reduce swappiness to prevent swapping to disk, which can degrade I/O performance for Kafka.

Here’s a command for updating the file descriptor limit:

ulimit -n 100000


Optimizing hardware and network settings for Kafka is a multifaceted task involving careful planning. CPU, memory, and disk type need to be selected with Kafka’s workload in mind, and both network and operating system settings must be finely tuned. By following these guidelines, you can create a Kafka environment geared for high-performance and reliability, adapting it as your requirements evolve.