How to Clean Up Git History with Interactive Rebase

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Mastering Git is an essential skill for any developer, whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned coder. Amongst the many powerful features that Git offers, interactive rebase stands out as a remarkably effective tool for cleaning up your commit history. In this guide, I will delve deeply into how you can leverage interactive rebase to streamline your project’s history, making it more readable and manageable.

Understanding Git Rebase

Before we use interactive rebase, it’s crucial to understand what a rebase is in the context of Git. Rebasing is the process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit. When rebasing, you’re altering the history of your branch so it appears that you created your branch from a different point in the project’s history. This is useful for keeping your commits tidy and organized and is often used prior to merging a feature branch into the main branch.

Initiating Interactive Rebase

To begin with an interactive rebase, check the status of your repository with git status. Ensure that your working directory is clean and that there are no uncommitted changes. Once you are ready, initiate interactive rebase using the following command:

git rebase -i HEAD~N

Replace N with the number of commits you want to review. This will open an editor displaying a list of said commits.

Interactive Rebase Options

In the editor, you’ll see different commands next to each commit. Here are the most important ones:

  • pick – Use the commit as it is.
  • reword – Use the commit but alter the commit message.
  • edit – Use the commit, but stop to allow for more changes (amending, adding or removing files).
  • squash – Combine this commit with the previous one and merge their messages.
  • fixup – Like ‘squash’, but discard this commit’s log message.
  • drop – Remove the commit altogether.

Cleaning Up Commit History

Once you have a sense of the available options, you can start refining your commit history. For example:

pick f7f3f6d Change my commit
reword 310154e Update the ReadMe with new add-ons
edit 0d1d7fc Fix the broken email link
drop 86770a8 Remove unnecessary logs
squash a5f4a0d Downgrade debug logs to the trace

This would keep the first commit, alter the second’s message, allow amendments to the third, discard the fourth, and merge the last commit’s changes into the previous commit.

Fine-Tuning Commits

When you select edit next to a commit, Git will pause the rebase at that commit, allowing you to make extra changes. This could include amending the commit message or altering the actual content of the commit:

git commit --amend // Modify the commit message or content
git rebase --continue // Continue with the rebase process

If at any point you decide to abort the rebase process:

git rebase --abort

Resolving Conflicts

Conflicts may arise during an interactive rebase. If this occurs, Git will pause and allow you to resolve the conflicts manually. You can do this by editing the affected files. After resolving, mark the conflicts as fixed and continue:

git add . // Mark conflicts as resolved
git rebase --continue // Proceed with the rebase

Force Pushing After Rebase

Since rebase changes your commit history, you’ll need to force push your changes to the remote repository. However, exercise caution with this command as it can overwrite changes made by others.

git push --force-with-lease origin branch-name

Best Practices for Clean Git History

Finally, here are some best practices you should follow to ensure a clean Git history:

  • Never rebase commits that have been shared with others.
  • Maintain a logical and understandable commit history.
  • Perform interactive rebase on feature branches before merging.
  • Use force push judiciously and ensure that it’s safe to do so.

Git’s interactive rebase is an incredibly powerful tool when used responsibly, allowing you to maintain a clear and coherent commit history. While it can seem intimidating at first, with practice, you will become adept at using it to enhance collaboration and streamline your development workflow.