Configuring Different Types of Volumes in Kubernetes

Updated: January 30, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Kubernetes has become an emergent platform for container orchestration, managing containerized applications across a cluster of nodes. One of the critical aspects of deploying applications is the handling of storage, which is where Kubernetes volumes come in. Volumes play an essential role as they allow data to persist and be shared between containers. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to configure different types of volumes in Kubernetes, going from the basics to more advanced setups, complete with code examples and their expected outputs.

Exploring Types of Kubernetes Volumes

The first thing to understand is what exactly a Kubernetes volume is. A volume can be simply described as a directory – possibly with some data in it – which is accessible to the containers in a pod. Kubernetes supports several types of volumes, each designed for different use cases:

  • emptyDir: A basic, temporary directory that shares a pod’s lifetime.
  • hostPath: Allows you to mount a directory from the host node’s filesystem into your pod.
  • PersistentVolume (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC): Provides a way to allocate storage resource in a way that abstracts away the details of the StorageClass specifics.
  • ConfigMap and Secret: Special types of volumes that provide a way to inject configuration data into a pod.
  • And more, including network-attached storage solutions like NFS, cloud-specific storage like AWS’s EBS, GCE’s Persistent Disk, and Azure Disk.

Basic Configuration: EmptyDir

The most straightforward volume specification is emptyDir. This – as the name suggests – starts as an empty directory when a pod is started and is used to share files between containers in that pod. The data in an emptyDir volume is deleted once the pod is removed.

apiVersion: v1
 kind: Pod
   name: example-pod
   - name: first-container
     image: nginx
     - mountPath: /cache
       name: cache-volume
   - name: second-container
     image: alpine
     - mountPath: /cache
       name: cache-volume
   - name: cache-volume
     emptyDir: {}

In the above example, we’ve defined an emptyDir volume named ‘cache-volume’ and mounted it at /cache in both containers. Any files written in /cache in either container are shared between them.

Intermediate Configuration: HostPath

For use cases that require pod access to the node filesystem, hostPath volumes can be used. This is typically needed for system-level operations, which is why it should be used with care since it can potentially expose the entire host filesystem to the pod.

apiVersion: v1
 kind: Pod
   name: hostpath-pod
   - name: single-container
     image: nginx
     - mountPath: /host_data
       name: host-data-volume
   - name: host-data-volume
       path: /data
       type: Directory

This specifies a hostPath volume that mounts /data from the host to /host_data in the container. This is persistent through pod life cycles, and the data remains on the node after the pod is deleted.

Advanced Configuration: Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims

Now let’s look at PersistentVolumes (PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs). These objects decouple the storage provisioning from the consumption and give storage as a service. This abstraction allows developers to claim persistent storage without worrying about the underlying storage infrastructure.

apiVersion: v1
 kind: PersistentVolume
   name: pv-example
     storage: 10Gi
     - ReadWriteOnce
     path: /data
     type: DirectoryOrCreate

This manifest creates a PersistentVolume that points to /data on the host filesystem.

apiVersion: v1
 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
   name: pvc-example
     - ReadWriteOnce
       storage: 10Gi

The above claim asks for 10Gi of storage, which can only be used by one node at a time (ReadWriteOnce).

To use this claim within a pod, you’d specify the PVC in your pod configuration:

apiVersion: v1
 kind: Pod
   name: pvc-pod
   - name: my-container
     image: nginx
     - mountPath: /persistent-storage
       name: my-storage
   - name: my-storage
       claimName: pvc-example

Your pod now has a directory mounted at /persistent-storage with 10Gi of space that persists across pod restarts.


Through this tutorial, you’ve learned how to set up basic, intermediate, and advanced Kubernetes volumes, each suited for different scenarios and needs. As you integrate these into your Kubernetes workflows, it will improve your ability to manage stateful applications in a cloud-native environment. Always ensure that you understand the implications of each volume type with regard to persistence, security, and performance to use them effectively.