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Contextual Notifications: Using the Badging API for Unread Counts

Last updated: December 12, 2024

In modern web applications, providing instant feedback to users is crucial for enhancing their interaction experience. One way to achieve this is by displaying notifications or alerts about new messages, pending tasks, or other essential updates. An effective tool for this purpose is the Badging API. With the Badging API, you can show app-specific notifications such as unread counts directly on your app icon or in-browser tabs. This article guides you through the implementation and significance of contextual notifications using the Badging API.

What is the Badging API?

The Badging API allows web developers to set and control small badges on their websites' icons, providing users immediate, unobtrusive notifications. This API is useful mainly for indicating unread counts for messaging applications, email clients, or any web application handling notifications directly.

Why Use the Badging API?

Utilizing the Badging API presents several benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Users can quickly acknowledge new information without opening the app.
  • Reduced Notification Fatigue: Users receive succinct notifications, minimizing the disruption in their routine.
  • Platform Consistency: Provides a native feel to web applications, aligning them more closely with native mobile applications.

Setting Up the Badging API

To start using the Badging API, ensure your user has granted permission for notifications. Below is a simple setup guide and code snippet to implement the Badging API in a web application:

// Check if the API is supported
if ('setAppBadge' in navigator) {
    console.log('Badging API is supported');
} else {
    console.log('Badging API is not supported');

Implementing Basic Badge Functionality

Once you confirm that the API is supported, you can proceed to set a badge number representing unread counts or similar updates.

async function updateBadge(unreadCount) {
  if ('setAppBadge' in navigator) {
    try {
      await navigator.setAppBadge(unreadCount);
      console.log(`Badge set to ${unreadCount}`);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`Failed to set badge: ${error}`);

Call updateBadge() with the desired number of unread items.

Removing the Badge

To clear the badge, use the navigator.clearAppBadge() method, which removes any set badge on the application.

async function clearBadge() {
  if ('clearAppBadge' in navigator) {
    try {
      await navigator.clearAppBadge();
      console.log('Badge cleared');
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`Failed to clear badge: ${error}`);

Tracking and Updating Badges in Real-Time

For web applications where message or task updates are frequent, it's vital to keep the badge updated. This often involves connecting your badge update code to real-time services or WebSockets that can notify your application of new messages or status updates promptly.

// Example: using a WebSocket to update badge count
const socket = new WebSocket('wss://');
socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
    const data = JSON.parse(;
    const unreadMessages = data.unreadMessagesCount;


The Badging API is a powerful feature for enhancing user experience on the web. By providing real-time, contextual notifications, it bridges the gap between web and native applications, making web apps feel more integrated and responsive. With a straightforward setup process, this API offers a great opportunity for developers looking to implement efficient notification systems.

As browser support expands, it's expected that more applications will leverage this API to improve the efficiency and appeal of their web-based notifications.

Next Article: Implementing Low-Impact Alerts via the JavaScript Badging API

Previous Article: Updating App Icons Dynamically with the Badging API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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