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Control Game Controllers with the Gamepad API in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

With the evolution of browsers and web technology, we've been able to harness inputs from numerous control devices directly in our web applications. One exciting API in this area is the Gamepad API, which lets web developers create applications that can respond to game controllers. In this article, we will explore how you can use the Gamepad API to control game controllers using JavaScript.

Understanding the Gamepad API

The Gamepad API provides a way to access and utilize the data from game controllers connected to the system. This can include everything from Xbox and PlayStation controllers to generic USB gamepads. The API provides a straightforward method for detecting and interacting with these devices in real-time.

Checking for Gamepad Support

Before diving into handling game input, it’s crucial to ensure that your user’s browser supports the Gamepad API. This can be accomplished with a simple check:

if (navigator.getGamepads) {
    console.log('Gamepad API is supported!');
} else {
    console.error('Gamepad API is not supported in this browser.');

Accessing Connected Gamepads

The navigator.getGamepads() method is your go-to function for retrieving data about any gamepads connected to the system. This method returns an array-like object containing a snapshot of the current state of each connected gamepad.

window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", (event) => {
    const gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[event.gamepad.index];
    console.log(`Gamepad connected at index ${gamepad.index}: ${}`);

Polling for Controller State

To engage with the gamepad's buttons and axes, you will need to continuously check the state of your connected device. This is usually done using a loop or rendering function such as requestAnimationFrame:

function gameLoop() {
    const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
    for (let gamepad of gamepads) {
        if (gamepad) {
            // Check buttons
            gamepad.buttons.forEach((button, index) => {
                if (button.pressed) {
                    console.log(`Button ${index} is pressed`);

            // Check axes
            gamepad.axes.forEach((axis, index) => {
                console.log(`Axis ${index}: ${axis.toFixed(2)}`);



Handling Input Events

In addition to constantly polling for gamepad states, certain events can also provide ease of use for detecting gamepad connections and disconnections:

window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", (e) => {
    console.log(`Gamepad connected: ${}`);

window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", (e) => {
    console.log(`Gamepad disconnected: ${}`);

Building a Basic Example

Let’s see a basic application example that logs gamepad button activities to the console:

function handleGamepadInput(gamepad) {
    gamepad.buttons.forEach((button, index) => {
        if (button.pressed) {
            console.log(`Gamepad button ${index} is pressed`);

    gamepad.axes.forEach((axis, index) => {
        console.log(`Axis ${index} value: ${axis.toFixed(2)}`);

function update() {
    const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
    for (let pad of gamepads) {
        if (pad) {

window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", (e) => {
    console.log(`Gamepad connected at index ${e.gamepad.index}.`);


The Gamepad API opens new doors for web developers who wish to integrate gamepad interactivity into their websites or web applications. With the ability to read all gamepad states and handle millions of inputs from different devices, users have equally immersive, browser-based game experiences. As browsers continuously evolve, support and performance of gamepad interactions in web applications are bound to improve, making them an exciting field to dive into.

Next Article: Detect Button Presses and Joysticks via the Gamepad API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Upload Files via the JavaScript fetch API

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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