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Control Video Position and Size with Picture-in-Picture in JavaScript

Last updated: December 13, 2024

The Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode is an incredible feature that has gained popularity across platforms and devices for enhancing user experience when handling videos. The PiP mode allows videos to float over the webpage, making it possible for users to watch videos while navigating other apps or web pages. JavaScript’s modern APIs provide developers with the power to implement and control these features efficiently. In this article, we will guide you through controlling video position and size with Picture-in-Picture in JavaScript alongside several code examples to illustrate these concepts.

Understanding the Picture-in-Picture API

The Picture-in-Picture API is a feature that allows developers to play web videos in a floating window. This small window stays on top, so the user can keep an eye on the content while interacting with different web pages or applications. At its core, the PiP API is relatively straightforward and interacts with HTMLMediaElements like video elements in HTML.

Activating Picture-in-Picture Mode

To start using PiP mode, begin by selecting an HTML video element and requesting picture-in-picture using JavaScript. Let's consider the following HTML structure:

<video id="myVideo" controls>
  <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video.

Next, we can use JavaScript to enable the Picture-in-Picture mode:

const videoElement = document.getElementById('myVideo');

if ('pictureInPictureEnabled' in document) {
  function togglePiP() {
    if (document.pictureInPictureElement) {
      document.exitPictureInPicture().catch(error => {
        console.error('Error exiting PiP:', error);
    } else {
      videoElement.requestPictureInPicture().catch(error => {
        console.error('Error entering PiP:', error);

Events Associated with Picture-in-Picture

JavaScript provides events you can use to stay informed about changes to the PiP state of an element. These include:

  • enterpictureinpicture - Called when the video enters the picture-in-picture mode.
  • leavepictureinpicture - Called when the video exits the picture-in-picture mode.

Let's add event listeners to harness these events:

videoElement.addEventListener('enterpictureinpicture', () => {
  console.log('Entered Picture-in-Picture mode');

videoElement.addEventListener('leavepictureinpicture', () => {
  console.log('Exited Picture-in-Picture mode');

Styling the Video in Picture-in-Picture Mode

While you have no direct control over the size and position of the PiP window, browsers often allow users to resize and move the PiP window as they see fit. However, you can consider preparing the video element beforehand to ensure it looks great irrespective of PiP mode.

While CSS may not directly affect the PiP window's layout, you can still control the visual aspects before initiation. Transitions, animations, and frames can be adjusted using traditional CSS to ensure continuity once the video enters the floating window mode.

Handling Browser Compatibility

Even though most modern browsers support PiP mode, it's always a great idea to implement feature detection. As shown above, checking the pictureInPictureEnabled attribute ensures you only try handling PiP in supportive environments.

Consider this example for a tailored user experience:

if ('pictureInPictureEnabled' in document) {
  console.log('Picture-in-Picture mode is supported');
} else {
  console.log('Picture-in-Picture mode is not supported');


Leveraging Picture-in-Picture using JavaScript is a seamless way to enhance video interaction on the web. With this feature, users benefit from easily multitasking without crippling their visual experience. Understanding the PiP APIs, adeptly handling events, and tending to compatibility ensures a robust implementation ready for today's digital demands. Now, you can confidently integrate and control Picture-in-Picture in your web projects.

Next Article: Increase Engagement Using JavaScript Picture-in-Picture Mode

Previous Article: Improve Multitasking Using the Picture-in-Picture API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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