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Coordinate Concurrent Operations Using JavaScript Web Locks

Last updated: December 13, 2024

In modern web applications, various scripts and operations often need to run concurrently. However, handling such concurrency without a proper synchronization mechanism can lead to conflicts or resource inefficiencies. This is where JavaScript's Web Locks API becomes particularly useful. It enables you to coordinate concurrent operations, ensuring that only one particular block of code runs at a time, preventing race conditions.

Understanding JavaScript Web Locks

The Web Locks API provides a way to asynchronously acquire a lock, perform operations with exclusive access to a resource, and then release the lock. This mechanism is built on top of the JavaScript concurrency model to manage shared resources in browser environments, thus improving synchronization and efficiency.

Key Concepts:

  • LockManager: An interface you use to request a lock and perform operations.
  • Locks: Resources that are mutually exclusive. Only one holder can own a lock at a time.
  • Scopes: Optional identifiers which allow locking specific subsets of the lock namespace.

How to Use JavaScript Web Locks API

The core concept is straightforward: we request a lock through the navigator.locks.request() method, perform operations while holding the lock, and then release it. Let’s walk through a practical example.

Requesting a Lock

When you want to request a lock, you specify a name and provide an asynchronous callback function that performs the work.

navigator.locks.request('my_lock', async lock => {
    console.log('Lock acquired');
    // Perform operations
    await doTask();
    // Lock is automatically released when complete or on return
    console.log('Lock released');

async function doTask() {
    // Simulate a task by using a promise-based delay
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));

In this example, 'my_lock' is the name of the lock. The callback function is executed when the lock is acquired. If the lock is not available, the function waits until it becomes available.

Benefits of Using Scoped Locks

Sometimes, you may want locks to apply only to specific contexts. You can utilize scoped locks to achieve this granularity, like differentiating locks for different parts of an application.

navigator.locks.request('my_resource', {mode: 'shared'}, lock => {
    console.log('Acquired a shared lock on my_resource');
    // Use the resource concurrently in read-only mode

navigator.locks.request('my_resource', {mode: 'exclusive'}, lock => {
    console.log('Acquired an exclusive lock on my_resource');
    // Use the resource in exclusive mode

The mode option allows multiple scripts to hold a shared lock simultaneously, enabling read access, but only one can hold an exclusive lock that permits both reading and writing.

Handling Lock Availability

Immediately knowing if a lock can be acquired is beneficial in certain scenarios. The Web Locks API supports request()'s optional ifAvailable parameter:

navigator.locks.request('my_quick_lock', {ifAvailable: true}, async lock => {
    if (lock) {
        console.log('Got the lock');
        await doQuickTask();
    } else {
        console.log('Could not get the lock');

async function doQuickTask() {
    // Task when lock is available

function handleUnavailablity() {
    // Logic when lock is unavailable

This gives you the ability to handle cases when the lock is not immediately available and subsequently manage those scenarios with fallback logic.


The Web Locks API in JavaScript offers a robust solution for managing resource access that prevents data inconsistencies and race conditions. Implementing it in web applications strengthens the integrity of concurrent operations, ensuring smooth execution flow and resource efficiency.

Next Article: Ensure Data Consistency via the Web Locks API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Prevent Race Conditions with the Web Locks API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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