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Coordinating Multiple Windows and Iframes via the Broadcast Channel

Last updated: December 12, 2024

Developing web applications often involves coordinating multiple browsing contexts, such as windows and iframes. A common challenge is ensuring these browsing contexts can efficiently and effectively communicate with each other without relying on complex workarounds such as WebSockets or server-based solutions. Fortunately, the Broadcast Channel API provides a straightforward solution to this problem. It enables simple, multicast communication between multiple windows and iframes within the same origin.

What is the Broadcast Channel API?

The Broadcast Channel API is an interface that enables message broadcasting between browsing contexts, such as windows, iframes, tabs, and even web workers that share the same origin. It works irrespective of which window or frame sends the message; all connected contexts listening to the channel will receive the message.

Setting Up a Broadcast Channel

To begin using the Broadcast Channel API, you first need to create a broadcast channel by instantiating a BroadcastChannel object with a specified channel name. This name can be any string that both listening and broadcasting contexts agree upon:

const channel = new BroadcastChannel('my_channel');

This creates a broadcast channel named my_channel that other scripts within the same origin can use for communication.

Broadcasting a Message

Once a channel is established, broadcasting a message to all listening contexts can be done using the postMessage method:

channel.postMessage({ action: 'refreshData', payload: { id: 123 } });

In this example, a message containing an action and a payload is sent. Observing contexts will receive this message to handle appropriately.

Listening for Messages

Each context interested in receiving messages from a broadcast channel should add an event listener for the message event:

channel.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  console.log('Received message:',;
  // Example: Based on the message action decide how to respond
  if ( === 'refreshData') {

The property holds the message sent over the channel, allowing each subscriber to perform appropriate actions based on its contents. In this snippet, we're logging the received message and using a data payload to decide further actions.

Use Cases for the Broadcast Channel API

The API is remarkably useful in scenarios where synchronization or state propagation is necessary across multiple contexts. Some compelling use cases include:

  • Synchronizing State: Keep user profiles updated across multiple open tabs and frames.
  • Resolving Resource Conflicts: Manage audio / video play controls or other resources by allowing actions to be broadcast and received.
  • User Status Updates: Provide real-time updates such as "user is typing" notifications shared among multiple windows or frames.

Best Practices

When utilizing the Broadcast Channel API, consider the following best practices to optimize performance and ensure a seamless coordination experience:

  • Limit the complexity of the messages being passed to reduce unnecessary data being transmitted.
  • Ensure clean up by calling the close method when a context is no longer interested in receiving messages or on window unload.
  • Handle incoming messages gracefully, with fallbacks or error checking to avoid unexpected results from malformed messages.


The Broadcast Channel API represents a powerful but underutilized tool for coordinating state and behavior across multiple browsing contexts enlisted by the same user. By leveraging this API, developers can create web applications that offer a unified, coherent experience across multiple windows and tabs without the complexity of secondary servers or polling services. With straightforward setup and cross-browser support, integrating it into projects can significantly enhance the interactive experience provided to end-users.

Next Article: Securely Messaging Between Different Parts of Your App Using Broadcast Channel

Previous Article: Sharing State Between Tabs Using the Broadcast Channel API

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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