How to count elements/rows/columns of a NumPy ndarray

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with numerical data in Python often involves dealing with multi-dimensional arrays, and for this NumPy is the go-to library. NumPy stands for Numerical Python and provides an array object which is much faster and more compact than traditional Python lists. These arrays are called ndarrays, short for N-dimensional arrays. A fundamental aspect of data analysis is the ability to count and analyze the size and shape of these arrays. In this tutorial, we will explore different ways to count elements, rows, and columns of a NumPy ndarray.

Getting Started

Before delving into the counting methods, let’s set up our Python environment with NumPy:

import numpy as np

# Ensure the NumPy is installed by checking the version

With NumPy ready to go, we can start by creating a simple ndarray:

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                [4, 5, 6]])

Count the Total Number of Elements

To count the total number of elements in an ndarray, you can use the size attribute:


This will output 6, which is the product of the array’s dimensions (2 rows by 3 columns).

Count Rows and Columns

To count the number of rows and columns, we will access the shape attribute of the ndarray:

rows, columns = arr.shape
print('Rows:', rows)
print('Columns:', columns)

Counting in Specific Axes

In NumPy, we can count along specific axes using the np.sum() function:

# Count the number of nonzero elements in each column
nonzero_counts_col = np.sum(arr != 0, axis=0)

# Count the number of nonzero elements in each row
nonzero_counts_row = np.sum(arr != 0, axis=1)

These commands will result in the count of nonzero elements along the specified axis (0 for columns and 1 for rows).

Advanced Counting: Unique Elements

When working with data, one may also wish to count the unique elements. NumPy provides the np.unique() function for this purpose:

# Unique elements and their counts
unique_elements, counts = np.unique(arr, return_counts=True)

This produces arrays of unique elements and their respective counts.

Advanced Techniques: Logical Operations and Counting

For more complex situations, we might perform logical operations in conjunction with counting:

# Count elements greater than a certain value
print(np.sum(arr > 2))

# Count elements satisfying multiple conditions
print(np.sum((arr >2) & (arr <5)))

The output shows counts based on the given conditions.


In this tutorial, we explored various methods to count elements, rows, and columns in NumPy ndarrays. NumPy provides powerful, efficient methods for handling numerical calculations and array manipulations. These counting techniques are foundational for data analysis and provide insights into the structure and distribution of your data. Counting operations are just the beginning; the real power of NumPy lies in its ability to handle complex mathematical operations and transformations on large, multi-dimensional datasets.