How to Create and Use Global Variables in Node.js

Updated: December 28, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In Node.js, global variables are properties of the global object which is available in all modules throughout the application. In a Node.js environment, each module is wrapped in a function and it makes its own scope. Thus, variables defined in one module will not be visible to other modules unless they are explicitly exported. However, there is a special object named global that allows you to define variables that can be accessed across modules. This tutorial walks through the process of creating and using global variables in a Node.js application.

Let’s dive into the ways you can efficiently and safely create global variables when necessary, as well as explore some advanced use cases and potential pitfalls to be aware of when working with globals within Node.js.

Setting Up Basic Global Variables

To begin with, you can define a global variable in Node.js simply by attaching a property to the global object:

global.myGlobalVar = 'Hello, World!';

This variable is now accessible in any module of your Node.js application like so:

console.log(global.myGlobalVar); // Outputs: Hello, World!

However, polluting the global namespace is not recommended as it may lead to name conflicts and difficult to trace bugs. Always consider using local module scope variables or exporting the variables properly.

Using Environment Variables

Environment variables offer a more secure and flexible approach to managing configuration settings. You can set environment variables outside the application and access via the process.env object:

process.env.GLOBAL_VAR = 'Some value';
console.log(process.env.GLOBAL_VAR); // Outputs: Some value

This method is particularly useful for storing sensitive information such as API keys and database passwords, or for configuring your app for different environments like development, testing, and production.

Advanced Global State Management

For more complex scenarios, you can create a dedicated module for global state management. Here’s a simple example of a module exporting an object:

// globals.js
const globalVars = {
 myVar: 'initial value'

module.exports = globalVars;

Any module that requires this one will receive the same object instance, allowing you to share state:

// someModule.js
const globals = require('./globals');
globals.myVar = 'changed value';

Then in another module:

// anotherModule.js
const globals = require('./globals');
console.log(globals.myVar); // Outputs: changed value

This approach is more structured and predictable compared to using the global object directly.

Namespacing Global Variables

To avoid conflicts, it’s a good practice to namespace your global variables. Namespacing can be done by creating a single global object and attaching all global properties to it:

// In a configuration file
 global.config = {
 apiEndpoint: '',
 apiKey: 'supersecretkey'

This approach can significantly reduce the risk of overriding existing global variables inadvertently as your application grows in complexity.

Handling Globals in Asynchronous Code

Handling globals in asynchronous code in Node.js can be challenging due to the non-blocking nature of Node’s event loop. One common approach is to use Node’s async_hooks module, which can track the context across asynchronous calls. However, for a simpler example, let’s use a more straightforward approach where we manage a global object that changes within asynchronous functions.

Here’s an example using async/await and demonstrating how to manage global state in asynchronous code:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// A global object to keep track of state
let globalState = {
    count: 0

// An asynchronous function that modifies the global state
async function modifyGlobalState(newValue) {
    // Simulate an asynchronous operation with a timeout
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    // Update the global state
    globalState.count = newValue;

// Route that triggers the state modification
app.get('/update/:newValue', async (req, res) => {
    const newValue = parseInt(req.params.newValue, 10);
    await modifyGlobalState(newValue);
    res.send(`Global state updated to ${newValue}`);

// Route to get the current state
app.get('/state', (req, res) => {
    res.send(`Current global state: ${globalState.count}`);

// Start the server
app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Server running on port 3000');

In this example:

  • The globalState object tracks the state across the application.
  • The /update/:newValue route asynchronously updates this global state after a simulated delay.
  • The /state route returns the current state.

This demonstrates a basic handling of global state in an asynchronous context. Note that using global state in this way can lead to issues in more complex applications, especially if multiple asynchronous operations are modifying the global state simultaneously. It’s often better to use more controlled state management approaches, such as passing state through function parameters or using state management libraries.


Global variables in Node.js are a powerful tool when used properly, but they come with risks that must be managed carefully. By adhering to best practices such as using environment variables, managing state with modules, namespacing, and avoiding state in asynchronous operations, you can use globals effectively without compromising the maintainability and reliability of your application.

Remember that the best use of globals is usually not to use them at all when a local alternative is available. Judge each use case on its own merits and with an eye to the future complexity and possible side effects in your codebase. With the principles covered in this tutorial, you should be well-equipped to make informed decisions about when and how to use global variables in your Node.js projects.