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Custom Collations and Types in PostgreSQL: The Complete Guide

Last updated: February 06, 2024


When working with PostgreSQL, understanding the in-built types and collations can drastically improve your data manipulation capabilities. However, when dealing with unique data sets and internationalization requirements, the built-in options might not suffice. This is where custom collations and types come into play, allowing for a tailored data storage and sorting mechanism that best suits your application requirements.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to create custom collations and types in PostgreSQL to handle specialized data more effectively.

What are Collations in PostgreSQL?

Collations in PostgreSQL are the blueprint for sorting and comparing character strings. They define the rules for how strings are compared and sorted, based on linguistic or cultural norms. This is crucial for applications that operate in different locales, where character comparison rules vary significantly.

Creating Custom Collations

Before we dive into creating custom collations, it’s important to note that PostgreSQL relies on the operating system’s locale settings for collation support. Therefore, the availability of custom collations might be limited by what your server’s operating system supports.

-- Check available collations
SELECT * FROM pg_collation;

To create a custom collation, you would typically define it based on an existing locale but with customized comparison rules. Here’s an example:

-- Creating a custom collation
CREATE COLLATION my_collation (LOCALE = 'en-US-x-icu', PROVIDER = 'icu', DETERMINISTIC = false);

This defines a non-deterministic collation named my_collation based on the en-US locale but uses the International Components for Unicode (ICU) as the provider, allowing for more complex sorting algorithms that are not available in the default provider.

Understanding PostgreSQL Types

PostgreSQL offers a wide range of built-in data types, including various numeric types, text, boolean, and more. However, when dealing with more complex or specific data structures that don’t fit these types, PostgreSQL allows for the creation of custom types.

Creating Custom Types

Custom types can be composite, range, or enumeration (enum) types. They can significantly enhance the expressiveness and safety of your schema. Here’s a quick rundown of how to create each:

Composite Types

-- Creating a composite type
CREATE TYPE person_details AS (
    name text,
    age int

Composite types are akin to structs in C or objects in OOP languages, grouping multiple fields into a single data type.

Enum Types

-- Creating an enumeration type
CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');

Enums are a set of predefined values. They are perfect for representing a set of possible states or categories for a field.

Range Types

-- Creating a range type
    subtype = integer,
    subtype_diff = int4mi

Range types allow for the representation of data ranges, such as date ranges, number ranges, etc. They allow PostgreSQL to efficiently query and handle range data.

Advantages of Custom Collations and Types

The usage of custom collations and types in PostgreSQL offers several benefits, including:

  • Increased Flexibility: Tailor your database schema to closely match the data structures used within your application, leading to cleaner code and simpler queries.
  • Enhanced Performance: By using types that accurately represent the data, PostgreSQL can optimize storage and query execution, leading to improved performance.
  • Improved Internationalization: Custom collations ensure that your application can accurately sort and compare strings across different locales and languages, a necessity for truly global applications.

In summary, understanding and leveraging custom collations and types in PostgreSQL can significantly enhance your database’s capability to handle complex, diverse, and locale-specific data more efficiently and accurately. Embrace these features to take full advantage of PostgreSQL’s flexibility and power in managing data.

Next Article: Setting FOREIGN KEY constraint in PostgreSQL

Previous Article: PostgreSQL: Using ‘CREATE TYPE’ to create custom data types

Series: PostgreSQL Tutorials: From Basic to Advanced


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