Data transactions and commit/rollback in Eloquent

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When you’re working with databases, ensuring data integrity and consistency is paramount. One of the ways to secure your data operations in Laravel is by using database transactions. Laravel’s Eloquent ORM provides a simple and convenient way to run database transactions. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how to use transactions for committing and rolling back changes in Eloquent. Whether you are new to Laravel or looking to deepen your understanding of transactions, this guide will help you to keep your data in a consistent state, especially when performing complex database operations.

Understanding Transactions

Transactions are a set of operations that are treated as a single unit. A transaction is initialized, and then a series of operations are performed. If these operations succeed without any issues, the transaction is committed, making all the operations permanent. Otherwise, if an error occurs, the transaction can be rolled back, reverting all changes made in the database during that transaction.

In the world of Eloquent, a transaction ensures that a group of database changes can be accomplished atomically. This means that if something goes wrong while executing multiple related tasks, none of those changes will be applied to the database, thereby avoiding half-completed operations that can lead to data inconsistency.

Starting a Transaction

Starting a transaction in Eloquent is straightforward; You can use the DB facade’s beginTransaction method, like so:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; 

// Perform your database operations here 

Once the beginTransaction method is called, you can carry out your database operations knowing they won’t be applied until you specifically commit them.

Committing a Transaction

To make the changes within a transaction permanent, you commit them using the commit method. This will persist all the operations that you have performed in the transaction to the database.


Rolling Back a Transaction

If an error occurs, or you decide not to apply the changes for any reason, you can roll back a transaction using the rollBack method. Rolling back will undo all the changes made in the database since the transaction began.


Now that you have a basic understanding of transactions, commits, and rollbacks, let’s look at how to handle errors and ensure a rollback occurs when necessary.

Automatic Rollback on Errors

Laravel provides a handy method to run a set of operations within a transaction and handle exceptions. By using the transaction method provided by the DB facade, Laravel will automatically rollback changes if an exception is thrown, and commit only if the closure executes successfully.


use Throwable;

try {
    DB::transaction(function () {
        // Perform your database operations here
} catch (Throwable $e) {
    // Handle exception


If any operation in the closure throws an exception, the transaction will be rolled back and the exception can be handled in the catch block. It’s a neat and simple way to manage transactions without manually calling commit or rollBack.

Using Transactions with Eloquent Models

Eloquent models can be used within transactions just like any other database operation. Here’s an example that creates a new user and attaches roles within a transaction:


use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

DB::transaction(function () {
    $user = User::create([
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'password' => bcrypt('mypassword')

    // Assuming the User model has a roles() relationship


In this example, a new user is created and assigned roles in a single, atomic transaction. If the user cannot be created, or if there’s a problem assigning roles, the entire transaction will fail and no changes will be made to the database.

Nesting Transactions

Laravel also supports transaction nesting. A nested transaction is a transaction that starts within another transaction. Laravel handles nested transactions by using a transaction counter. If the counter is greater than zero when rollBack is called, it will not actually roll back the transaction until you reach the outermost beginTransaction call.


use Throwable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

DB::transaction(function () {

    try {
        // Nested transaction
        DB::transaction(function () {
            // Perform nested operations

    } catch (Throwable $e) {
        throw $e;


This code snippet demonstrates how a transaction is nested inside another one. Note that Laravel will not actually roll back until all nested transactions have called rollBack and the counter reaches zero again.

When working with transactions, be cautious and always ensure that the commit or rollBack calls are balanced and that you are not leaving any transactions open. This could lead to issues such as table locks and deadlocks, leading to poor performance or unresponsive applications.

Final Words

To recap, understanding and implementing database transactions with commit and rollback in Eloquent are essential for maintaining data integrity. By now, you should have a firm grasp of how to manage your database operations transactionally within your Laravel applications. Whether you’re inserting, updating, or deleting records, wrapping these operations in a transaction will give you the power to maintain a consistent state in your databases.

Happy coding, and may your data always be consistent!