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Detect Button Presses and Joysticks via the Gamepad API in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

In modern web development, incorporating game controls or any form of interactive elements often involves handling external inputs. Among the most user-friendly ways to manage game controls is via the Gamepad API. This API allows developers to access and respond to gamepad controller inputs such as button presses and joystick movements with JavaScript.

Understanding the Gamepad API

The Gamepad API provides a way to access the gamepad's digital and analog inputs. It is important to verify browser compatibility as support varies slightly across different browsers, though the major ones like Chrome and Firefox support it well. A gamepad connected to the device can be detected and its inputs can be accessed using this API.

Basic Setup

To start using the Gamepad API, you must first connect a gamepad to your computer. Once connected, JavaScript is able to interact with it through the API. Below is an example of how to check if the API is available and recognize a connected gamepad:

if (navigator.getGamepads) {
  console.log('Gamepad API is supported!');
} else {
  console.log('Gamepad API is not supported in this browser.');

Polling for Gamepad Inputs

To access the gamepad state, you use the navigator.getGamepads() method. This method returns an array of gamepad objects representing the connected gamepads. Typically, you would poll the gamepad state inside a requestAnimationFrame loop, which allows you to regularly check for input without affecting performance negatively.

function updateGamepadStatus() {
  const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
  for (let i = 0; i < gamepads.length; i++) {
    const gamepad = gamepads[i];
    if (gamepad) {
      console.log('Gamepad ' + i + ':', gamepad);

Detecting Button Presses

Each gamepad object has a buttons array. Each element in this array represents the current state of a button, where the value ranges from 0.0 (not pressed) to 1.0 (fully pressed). You can check which buttons are being pressed with the following code:

function checkButtonPresses(gamepad) {
  gamepad.buttons.forEach((button, index) => {
    if (button.pressed) {
      console.log('Button ' + index + ' is pressed');

You can continuously check for button states by integrating this function within your main game loop.

Detecting Joystick Movement

Gamepads also have analog sticks or joysticks, which can be accessed via the axes array. Typically, gamepads may have at least two axes: horizontal and vertical. Below is an example to read and log joystick movement:

function checkJoystickMovement(gamepad) {
  const [leftStickX, leftStickY, rightStickX, rightStickY] = gamepad.axes;
  console.log('Left stick X:', leftStickX, 'Y:', leftStickY);
  console.log('Right stick X:', rightStickX, 'Y:', rightStickY);

Ensure you're correctly mapping the axes to your specific gamepad configuration, as different models have varied layouts.

Integrating into a Game Loop

Both button presses and joystick movements need to be regularly checked, usually as part of your game loop:

function gameLoop() {
  const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();

  for (let gp of gamepads) {
    if (gp) {



Integrating these input checks into your game loop helps maintain a smooth and responsive gaming experience.


Integrating gamepad controls using the Gamepad API in JavaScript opens up an exciting world of interactive web applications. With basic functions such as detecting button presses and joystick movement, you can vastly improve the interactivity and user engagement of your web applications passionately tailor-made for gaming enthusiasts.

Next Article: Build Responsive Game Controls Using JavaScript and the Gamepad API

Previous Article: Control Game Controllers with the Gamepad API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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