Doctrine: How to Store JSON Data

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with modern web applications, you’re bound to interact with JSON, a lightweight format for storing and transporting data. Doctrine, a PHP ORM widely used with frameworks such as Symfony, provides robust support for dealing with databases. Nevertheless, storing and querying JSON data with Doctrine might not be straightforward for everyone. This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to handle JSON data with Doctrine efficiently.

Understanding JSON and Doctrine

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data format that’s easy to read and write for humans, and straightforward to parse and generate for machines. Doctrine ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) facilitates the mapping of PHP objects to database entries. Modern databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL support JSON data types; this allows us to store JSON formatted strings and query them efficiently.

Setting up the Environment

Before diving into JSON storage, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • PHP 7.2 or higher
  • A Symfony project with Doctrine ORM installed
  • A database that supports JSON data types, such as MySQL 5.7+ or PostgreSQL 9.4+

If you are starting a new Symfony project, set it up using Composer and make sure to configure the .env file with the correct database credentials before proceeding.

Defining the Entity

To store JSON data in Doctrine, you’ll start by defining an entity with a JSON type column. For example:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sample_table")
 class SampleEntity
      * @ORM\Column(type="json")
     private $data;

     // ... getters and setters ...

This entity will map to a table in your database, with a field named data dedicated to storing JSON. The @ORM\Column(type="json") annotation lets Doctrine know to treat this field as a JSON type in the database.

Inserting JSON Data

Now, let’s see how you can insert JSON data into the field:

$sampleEntity = new SampleEntity();
    'key' => 'value',
    'another_key' => 'another value'

$entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

In the above code, a new instance of SampleEntity is created, JSON data is assigned to the data field, and the entity is persisted to the database using the entity manager.

Querying JSON Data

Querying the JSON field is straightforward. For MySQL users, you can use the JSON functions provided by the database to interact with data in a JSON field:

$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(SampleEntity::class);
$query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('s')
    ->where('JSON_CONTAINS(, ':value') = 1')
    ->setParameter('value', '"value"')

$result = $query->getResult();

PostgreSQL users can use the -> and ->> operators for querying JSON columns:

$query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('s')
    ->where('>>key = :key')
    ->setParameter('key', 'value')

$result = $query->getResult();

Performing more complex queries with Doctrine’s query builder may require using the platform-specific functions and may lack some of the abstraction typically provided by ORM.

Handling Complex JSON

If your JSON objects are complex and you would like to ensure type integrity, consider using custom classes to represent your JSON structures. Doctrine allows for serializing and deserializing complex structures with the help of serializers and custom types. Below’s an example of how you might implement this:

Step 1: Define a Custom Doctrine Type

First, you need to define a custom Doctrine type. This type will handle the conversion between the complex JSON structure and a PHP object.

Let’s assume you have a PHP class representing your complex JSON structure:

class ComplexJson
    // properties and methods representing the complex JSON structure

Now, let’s create a custom Doctrine type:

use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface;

class ComplexJsonType extends Type
    const COMPLEX_JSON = 'complex_json'; // Type name

    private $serializer;

    public function __construct(SerializerInterface $serializer)
        $this->serializer = $serializer;

    public function getName()
        return self::COMPLEX_JSON;

    public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform)
        return $platform->getJsonTypeDeclarationSQL($fieldDeclaration);

    public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
        return $this->serializer->deserialize($value, ComplexJson::class, 'json');

    public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
        if ($value instanceof ComplexJson) {
            return $this->serializer->serialize($value, 'json');

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Value must be an instance of ComplexJson');

In this custom type:

  • The convertToPHPValue method deserializes the JSON data into a ComplexJson object.
  • The convertToDatabaseValue method serializes a ComplexJson object back into JSON.
  • We’re using Symfony’s Serializer component for serialization and deserialization.

Step 2: Register the Custom Type

Register this type in your Doctrine configuration. The exact method to do this depends on your Symfony version and configuration setup.


You can then use this type in your Doctrine entities:

 * @ORM\Column(type="complex_json")
private $complexData;

Note: This is a simplified example to illustrate the concept. In a real-world scenario, you should include error handling and possibly more complex logic for serialization/deserialization based on your specific needs. Additionally, you’d need to set up the Symfony Serializer component with the necessary encoders and normalizers for your specific object structure.

Validation and Security

Always validate and sanitize JSON data before storing or using it to prevent injection attacks and to ensure data integrity. Since the data is stored as a text format, beware of potential security flaws arising from improper handling of untrusted input.


Storing and querying JSON with Doctrine is a powerful feature that, if used correctly, can greatly enhance the functionalities of your PHP applications. It involves choosing the correct database type, setting up your entities properly, and perhaps adapting your queries to handle JSON-specific logic. With this guide, you have the foundation to effectively use JSON in your Doctrine-based projects.