Eloquent: Delete multiple records with an array of IDs

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases in a Laravel project, Eloquent makes it easier to interact with your database by providing a robust set of functions to handle various CRUD operations. One operation that might come in handy is deleting multiple records at once based on a set of IDs. This tutorial will guide you on how to delete multiple records with an array of IDs using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM.

Mass Deletion in Eloquent

Let’s start by understanding what we mean when we talk about ‘deleting multiple records with an array of IDs’. Imagine you have a list of user IDs, and you want to remove all of these users from your database at once. This is what’s known as a mass deletion.

In Eloquent, there are a few ways to accomplish this. The simplest approach would be to use the destroy() method, which allows you to pass a single ID, multiple IDs, or an array of IDs to delete the corresponding records.

Using the destroy() Method

Here is an example of how to use the destroy() method:

$idsToDelete = [1, 2, 3];

The destroy() method is the most straightforward way to delete records using Eloquent when you have their IDs. It automatically handles the database interactions for you.

Deleting Using a Query Builder

Another approach is to use the query builder to specify a whereIn clause that will match a field against an array of values. Here’s a look at how this works:

$idsToDelete = [1, 2, 3];
User::whereIn('id', $idsToDelete)->delete();

This method is useful particularly when you want to perform additional queries before deleting. For example, you could use this approach to only delete users with a specific role or who meet certain criteria.

Handling Delete Events

It’s important to note that using destroy() or the delete method on a query builder will not fire the deleted event for each model. This means that model events and their observers will not run. However, if you require these events to be fired, you may need to retrieve and delete the models individually:

$idsToDelete = [1, 2, 3];
$users = User::find($idsToDelete);

foreach ($users as $user) {

This way, the delete operation will be performed on each model instance separately, triggering any configured events or model-specific deletions that may be required.

Transactional Deletes

When deleting multiple records, it’s often important to ensure all deletions occur successfully, or otherwise, none at all. This is where database transactions come into play. Here is how you might use transactions during deletion:

DB::transaction(function () use ($idsToDelete) {

If an exception is thrown within the transaction closure, the transaction will automatically be rolled back.

Best Practices for Bulk Deletion

When deleting multiple records:

  • Always double-check the IDs to make sure you are deleting the correct records.
  • Be aware of the implications on related data. Consider if you need to delete related records or handle orphaned data.
  • Use database transactions to prevent partial deletion in case of errors.
  • Consider the performance implications, as deleting many records at once can be resource-intensive for the database.


Deleting multiple records with an array of IDs in Eloquent is a straightforward process. Using the destroy() method offers a quick way to delete without much fuss, while a fine-tuned query builder option gives more control over the conditions of deletion.

Always consider model events when performing deletions and use database transactions as a safety measure for data consistency. By following these practices, you can ensure a smooth data management experience with Laravel’s Eloquent ORM.