Eloquent: Limiting Query Results with limit() Method

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Eloquent ORM is an integral part of the Laravel framework, providing a sleek, simple, yet powerful ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. One common requirement in web development is controlling the number of results returned from a query, as displaying thousands of records on a single page is seldom practical or desired. The limit() method in Eloquent is designed to handle this scenario efficiently.

Basic Usage

Using the limit() method is straightforward. For example, you might want to retrieve only the first 5 records from a users’ table:

use App\Models\User; 
$users = User::limit(5)->get(); 

The above code will generate the following SQL query and return a collection of at most 5 User models: SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 5.


Another common use case for the limit() method is in conjunction with offset to handle paginated results:

$users = User::limit(10)->offset(0)->get(); 
// First page 

$users = User::limit(10)->offset(10)->get(); 
// Second page 

$users = User::limit(10)->offset(20)->get(); 
// Third page 

You can even combine limit() and offset() with other query methods, just as ordering:

$users = User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

This will give you the second page of users sorted by their creation date, in descending order.

Combining with Other Clauses

Let’s see how the limit() method can be combined with a where() clause to further filter results:

$users = User::where('active', 1)->limit(5)->get(); 

The resulting query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 LIMIT 5.

Here, Eloquent retrieves up to 5 active users from the database.

Variable Limits

In some cases, you may want to provide the limit as a variable, which adds a level of flexibility to your queries:

$maxResults = 10; 

// This could be dynamically set 
$users = User::limit($maxResults)->get(); 

Enabling users to set a limit regarding how many rows they wish to retrieve can give them a sense of control over the data presented.

Subquery Limits

Advanced Eloquent usage often involves subqueries where the limit() method is equally useful:


$recentUsers = User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

$tweets = Tweet::whereIn('user_id', $recentUsers)


In this example, you retrieve the IDs of the 5 most recently created users and then get all tweets from these users. The call to pluck() is used to get an array of IDs that whereIn() can utilize.

Chunking Results

Laravel’s Eloquent also provide a chunk() method that can be used in lieu or in combination with the limit() method for large datasets:


    ->chunk(100, function ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Process each chunk of 100 users here


This handles the results in chunks of 100, limiting memory usage and making it possible to efficiently process large numbers of records.

The Role of ‘take()’

You may find the take() method being used, especially in the context of Laravel before version 5. This method is an alias for limit(), they work the same way:

$users = User::take(5)->get(); 

It’s important to note that while both methods do the same thing in the context of Eloquent, take() might be considered more expressive or readable depending on circumstances and personal preference.


Limiting query results using the limit() method in Eloquent is a powerful feature to optimize your Laravel application’s efficiency and user-friendliness. Whether you‘re applying a fixed limit, working with pagination, or chunking large datasets, Eloquent has a fluid and intuitive syntax that fits seamlessly into your Laravel query building workflow.