Eloquent: Sorting Results with orderBy() Method

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sorting data is an essential aspect of building a robust web application, particularly when dealing with database records. Eloquent, the powerful ORM included with Laravel, simplifies database interactions and provides a fluent API for querying and manipulating data. One of the common tasks in Eloquent is sorting the results, which can be achieved using the orderBy() method. This tutorial covers the usage of orderBy() in Eloquent queries with code samples ranging from basic to advanced usage.

Understanding orderBy()

The orderBy() method in Eloquent enables you to sort your query results based on a certain column or columns in ascending or descending order. The basic syntax is as follows:

$users = User::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get();

In this example, we are retrieving all users sorted alphabetically by the ‘name’ attribute. The second parameter to orderBy() specifies the sort direction, where ‘asc’ stands for ascending and ‘desc’ for descending.

Basic Usage of orderBy()

Let’s start with some basic examples:

// Sort users by name in ascending order
$usersAsc = User::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get();

// Sort users by creation date in descending order
$usersDesc = User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();


    { "id": 1, "name": "Alice", "created_at": "2021-09-01T12:34:56Z" },
    { "id": 2, "name": "Bob", "created_at": "2021-09-02T12:34:56Z" }
    // More users...

Here, get() is used to execute the query and retrieve the results. However, you can use other methods like paginate() as well if you’re handling a large set of data and want to implement pagination.

Sorting by Multiple Columns

Sometimes you need to sort by more than one column. In this case, you can chain multiple orderBy() calls:

// Sort users by status, then by name within each status group
$users = User::orderBy('status', 'asc')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get();

By chaining the orderBy() methods, you can define a priority of sort operations. The results are first sorted by ‘status’, then within each status group, users are sorted by ‘name’.

Dynamic Sorting with orderByRaw()

With orderByRaw(), you can create complex orderings by writing raw SQL order expressions:

// Sort users with a custom order by their role and then by name
$users = User::orderByRaw('FIELD(role, "Admin", "Editor", "Subscriber") ASC, name ASC')->get();

The FIELD() function in MySQL allows specifying the exact order of the values for sorting purpose. Here, the users are sorted primarily by their roles in a custom defined order, then alphabetically by name.

Sorting Using Relationships

With Eloquent’s relationships, you can sort by columns in related models. Assuming ‘posts’ is a relationship method on the User model:

// Sort users based on the count of their posts
$users = User::withCount('posts')->orderBy('posts_count', 'desc')->get();

This snippet first adds a posts_count attribute to the result by counting the number of related posts each user has and then sorts the users by this count.


Sorting data sets accordingly is straightforward with Eloquent’s orderBy() method. Whether you implement simple alphabetical sorting or manage more complex order logics involving raw expressions or relations, Eloquent offers easy syntax and flexibility to customize your queries. Applying this in real-world applications ensures data is presented in a user-friendly manner, thus improving the overall user experience.