Eloquent: 4 ways to select a random record.

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases, you may occasionally need to retrieve a random record. With Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, several methods are available to achieve this. This article explores different solutions to select a random record using Eloquent, along with their implementations and trade-offs.

Uniform Random Selection

Laravel’s Eloquent allows for a straightforward way to select a random record using the inRandomOrder() method, followed by first() to get just one record.

  1. Use the inRandomOrder() method on your Eloquent model.
  2. Chain the first() method to retrieve a single instance.

Code example:

$randomUser = User::inRandomOrder()->first();

This approach is simple and clean but may not be efficient for large tables as it could lead to performance hits depending on the underlying database engine and indexing strategy used.

Random Offset Selection

This method involves counting the number of records, generating a random offset, and retrieving the record at that position. It works well for tables without many deletions, which could cause indexing gaps.

  1. Count the total number of records using the count() method.
  2. Generate a random offset within the range of available records.
  3. Use the skip() method with the random offset followed by take(1).
  4. Retrieve the record using first().

Code example:

$count = User::count();
$randomOffset = rand(0, $count - 1);
$randomUser = User::skip($randomOffset)->take(1)->first();

This method is more efficient on large datasets but assumes a uniform distribution of ids. It can be problematic with non-sequential ids or if the dataset has many deletions.

Random Sampling with Chunking

For massive datasets, using chunk() along with inRandomOrder() can reduce memory usage. This involves fetching a small subset of the data, randomly shuffling it, and selecting the first record.

  1. Use the chunk() method to process a small subset of records.
  2. Shuffle the records and select the first one from the chunk.

Code example:

$randomUser = User::inRandomOrder()->take(1)->get()->shuffle()->first();

This method can be more memory efficient, but it still involves transferring all rows from the database, so it might not mitigate the performance impact for very large datasets.

Using Raw Expressions

Some databases support functions for random record retrieval, like MySQL’s RAND(). Eloquent’s raw expressions can be used to leverage such features.

  1. Use the orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()')) method on your Eloquent model.
  2. Chain first() to get a single instance.

Code example:

$randomUser = User::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->first();

Using raw expressions is reliant on the specific database implementation, which means it is not a database-agnostic solution. However, it could be more efficient if the database supports an optimized random function.


In summary, there are several ways to select a random record from the database using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM. The best method to use will depend on the specific requirements of your application, such as dataset size and performance needs. For smaller tables, inRandomOrder() is simple and effective, while for larger datasets, chunking or raw expressions might offer better performance. Always consider the trade-offs and test different methods to find the right approach for your application.