How to enable/disable auto-commit in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Getting Started

SQLAlchemy is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that facilitates the interaction between Python programs and databases by providing a high-level abstraction upon a database engine. This means you can write Pythonic code instead of SQL to work with your database.

Understanding transactional control is crucial in application development. This guide focuses on managing auto-commit in SQLAlchemy – a powerful tool for interfacing with databases in Python.

Before diving into the specifics of auto-commit, it is important to install SQLAlchemy:

pip install SQLAlchemy

To start using SQLAlchemy, you need to perform the initial setup:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Replace the below string with your actual database URL
engine = create_engine('YOUR_DATABASE_URL')

Understanding Auto-Commit

Auto-commit refers to the behavior of a transactional database system where each SQL statement constitutes a transaction that is automatically committed right after it is executed. However, this might not be desired for operations that should only be saved when all associated tasks succeed.

In SQLAlchemy, auto-commit is governed by the configuration of the session. The session in SQLAlchemy manages all database communications and is the central interface for ORM operations.

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

Disabling Auto-Commit

By default, auto-commit is disabled in SQLAlchemy when using the ORM. This requires manual commits after operations:

my_object = MyTable(name='SQLAlchemy Guide')
# Changes are not yet persisted
# Now changes are saved to the database

A noteworthy feature is the context manager provided by SQLAlchemy for a transaction scope, ensuring that changes are committed or rolled back:

from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

    with session.begin():
except SQLAlchemyError:

Enabling Auto-Commit

To enable auto-commit, you can explicitly mention it when creating your session:

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autocommit=True)

This can be useful for read-only operations. However, for update operations, it should be turned off as follows:

session = Session(autocommit=False)

In more complex scenarios such as when using an asynchronous environment with SQLAlchemy, controlling transaction boundaries can be crucial. Here’s an advanced example:

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine, AsyncSession

async_engine = create_async_engine('YOUR_DATABASE_URL', echo=True)

async def insert_data():
    async with AsyncSession(async_engine, autocommit=False) as session:
        async with session.begin():
                MyTable(name='Async Commit'),
                MyTable(name='Another Async Commit')
        # The transaction is automatically committed on exit from the block

Transaction Isolation and Propagation

Transaction isolation levels can also affect how the auto-commit behaves. Isolation specifies how transaction integrity is visible to other users and systems. SQLAlchemy allows you to set this per session:

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE')

Furthermore, propagation parameters can assist in advanced transaction management and participating in larger transactions:

session = Session(begin_transaction=False)

Best Practices

Here are some best practices when working with auto-commit in SQLAlchemy:

  • Avoid using auto-commit for bulk operations or when exact transaction control is needed.
  • Understand the pitfalls: auto-committing too frequently can affect performance due to constant I/O operations to database storage.
  • Be aware of the specific transactional consistency your application’s business logic needs before enabling auto-commit.


Auto-commit control is a powerful feature in SQLAlchemy offering efficiency and safety when dealing with database transactions. Proper usage can ensure data integrity and performance optimization. Whether you enable or disable auto-commit, remember to tailor it to your application’s needs and follow best practices to maintain transactional control.