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Ensure Data Consistency via the Web Locks API in JavaScript

Last updated: December 13, 2024

The Web Locks API is a powerful yet simple tool that allows web applications to avoid data inconsistencies by coordinating the access and manipulation of resources shared between multiple pages or workers. This is especially important in scenarios where data could potentially be accessed or modified by different parts of an application simultaneously, such as in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) or with service workers.

Understanding Web Locks API

The Web Locks API provides a mechanism to asynchronously acquire and release locks on a named resource, which helps ensure that only one execution context at a time can'access a specific resource or perform a specific operation. This ensures data consistency and integrity.

Acquiring a Lock

To use the Web Locks API, you will first need to check for its existence and then use the navigator.locks.request method to acquire a lock. The basic syntax for acquiring a lock is as follows:

// Check if the Web Locks API is available
if ('locks' in navigator) {
  // Attempt to acquire a lock
  navigator.locks.request('resource_name', async lock => {
    // Perform operations while the lock is held
    console.log('Lock acquired:', lock);
    // Do something with the protected resource
} else {
  console.log('Web Locks API is not supported on this browser.');

In this sample, we request a lock on a resource named 'resource_name'. Once the lock is acquired, the anonymous function runs, allowing us to perform critical operations.

Types of Locks

The API distinguishes between two types of locks: exclusive and shared. By default, locks are exclusive. However, if multiple executions need to read the same resource simultaneously, you can request a shared lock:

// Requesting a shared lock
navigator.locks.request('resource_name', { mode: 'shared' }, async lock => {
  console.log('Shared lock acquired:', lock);
  // Read-only operations can be performed here

Exclusive locks prevent any other locks on the resource, while shared locks can coexist unless an exclusive lock is requested, which blocks others.

Handling Failures and Timeouts

It is crucial to have a contingency strategy if the lock cannot be acquired. You can specify a timeout threshold indicating how long the request should wait:

navigator.locks.request('resource_name', { mode: 'exclusive', ifAvailable: true }, async lock => {
  if (lock) {
    console.log('Lock acquired:', lock);
    // Safe to proceed with exclusive operations
  } else {
    console.log('Failed to acquire lock within the specified timeout.');
    // Handle failure to acquire lock

This code attempts to acquire the lock without waiting indefinitely, enabling your application to continue performing alternative operations if necessary.

Releasing Locks

Released locks are managed internally by the Web Locks API, meaning that when your function executed within the request method resolves or returns, the lock is automatically released. Explicit release isn’t necessary, so no additional code is needed for this process:

navigator.locks.request('resource_name', ..., async (lock) => {
  // Operations
  console.log('Operations completed, lock will be released automatically.');

Practical Use Cases

The Web Locks API can be effectively used in scenarios like:

  • Preventing concurrency issues when saving user preferences from multiple tabs.
  • Coordination of complex computations that require multiple resources synchronously.
  • Avoiding duplicate database entries in distributed or replicated storage solutions.

As you integrate the Web Locks API into your applications, be mindful of compatibility, since it is not yet supported on some legacy browsers. Using feature detection, as shown in our examples, will help maintain robustness.


The Web Locks API is a valuable tool for web developers who need to maintain data consistency across different contexts in their applications. By providing a way to manage resource access efficiently, it ensures data integrity and reduces complexity in managing concurrent data operations, taking another step towards building reliable and user-friendly web applications.

Next Article: Manage Shared State Safely with the JavaScript Web Locks API

Previous Article: Coordinate Concurrent Operations Using JavaScript Web Locks

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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