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Exchange Data Between Iframes Using Channel Messaging in JavaScript

Last updated: December 14, 2024

When working with complex web applications, it often becomes necessary to communicate between different parts of the application, even if they reside in separate iframes. Channel Messaging in JavaScript provides an efficient way to achieve this by establishing a messaging channel through which data can be exchanged safely and efficiently. This article will guide you through setting up channel messaging between iframes with practical code examples.

Understanding Channel Messaging

Channel Messaging APIs allow the creation of a message channel consisting of two MessagePort objects. These message ports enable secure and controlled communication between different contexts, like different browser windows, tabs, or iframes within a single page. Information is passed back and forth without needing direct script access to one another, which maintains security through isolation.

Setting Up Iframes

Before we dive into the specifics of Channel Messaging, let’s set up a couple of iframes that will represent the separate contexts attempting to communicate. Imagine a Parent Page hosting the iframes.

    <iframe id="iframe1" src="iframe1.html"></iframe>
    <iframe id="iframe2" src="iframe2.html"></iframe>

Each iframe hosts a separate document that will use channel messaging to communicate with each other, but this needs a bit more setup in JavaScript, primarily in the context of the parent document that contains these iframes.

Creating a Message Channel

To create a channel, the parent page will have to establish a MessageChannel object and provide each iframe with a port:

// Parent JavaScript
const channel = new MessageChannel();

// Retrieve a reference to each iframe
const iframe1 = document.getElementById('iframe1').contentWindow;
const iframe2 = document.getElementById('iframe2').contentWindow;

// Start the messaging channel
iframe1.postMessage('port', '*', [channel.port1]);
iframe2.postMessage('port', '*', [channel.port2]);

The postMessage method is employed to start the messaging process, sending one port to each iframe. Now both iframes have the capability to send messages across.

Iframe JavaScript

In each iframe HTML file, you must have a script to listen for the message port and perform actions upon receiving messages:

// iframe1.js
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  // Check the origin to ensure security
  if (event.origin !== "your.origin.url") return;
  const port1 = event.ports[0];
  port1.onmessage = received => {
    console.log('Message received from iframe2:',;
    // Sending a reply
    port1.postMessage('Hello from iframe 1!');

A similar snippet exists within iframe2.js that listens for messages from iframe1:

// iframe2.js
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if (event.origin !== "your.origin.url") return;
  const port2 = event.ports[0];
  port2.onmessage = received => {
    console.log('Message received from iframe1:',;
    port2.postMessage('Hello from iframe 2!');

Testing the Communication

Once everything is set up, you can open your browser's console in each iframe to see the messages being passed between them. When the document is fully loaded, they start exchanging the messages defined in the script.

Security Considerations

When working with iframes and messaging between them, it’s crucial to manage security consciously. Always verify the origin of the messages using the event.origin attribute to prevent cross-site scripting attacks and ensure that information is only transferred between trusted sources.


Channel messaging is a powerful and efficient way to synchronize and exchange data between multiple contexts such as iframes in a modern web application. By following these steps, you can ensure a seamless and secure communication channel. Properly implementing Channel Messaging enables you to build more interactive web applications that communicate across multiple environments without compromising security.

Next Article: Collaborate Across Windows with the Channel Messaging API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Sync State Across Tabs via Channel Messaging in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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