Executing Subqueries in Laravel Query Builder: Tutorial & Examples

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, the popular PHP framework, provides an elegant ORM called Eloquent and a powerful query builder that streamlines interaction with databases. Leveraging subqueries in Laravel can significantly enhance the efficiency and readability of your code when dealing with complex queries. This tutorial delves into utilizing subqueries within Laravel Query Builder, complete with examples to demonstrate practical implementations.

What are Subqueries in SQL?

In SQL, a subquery is a query nested inside another query. Subqueries are essential tools for breaking down complex problems, aggregating data, and creating dynamic datasets on the fly without the need for temporary tables and multiple queries from your application.

Basics of Laravel Query Builder

Laravel’s Query Builder offers a fluent interface to create and run database queries. It’s database agnostic, meaning it can be used with any of Laravel’s supported database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server.

Why Use Subqueries?

  • To simplify complex joins and filtering.
  • To perform calculations and return custom columns.
  • To allow dynamic content in your select clauses.
  • To reduce the need for multiple database queries.

Executing a Basic Subquery

Let’s start with a basic example. Suppose we have a users table and a posts table. We want to retrieve each user with the count of their posts.

User::addSelect(['posts_count' => Post::selectRaw('count(*)')->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')])->get();

In the code above, we’re adding a new select item to our query. This item is the count of all posts where the user_id matches the id of the user from our initial users table.

Advanced Subquery Operations

Subqueries become even more powerful when used in conjunction with joins, group by, and order by operations. Let’s explore some examples.

Subqueries in Select Clauses

You may want to select data from another table as part of your main query. For example, if you want to get the latest post for each user, you can do the following:

$users = User::addSelect(['latest_post_title' => Post::select('title')
    ->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')

Subqueries in Joins

Subqueries within joins can help reduce the complexity of your queries and can be performed as follows:

$users = User::joinSub(
    Post::selectRaw('user_id, MAX(created_at) as last_post_at')->groupBy('user_id'),

In this example, we joined a subquery that selects each user’s latest post date. The joinSub method makes this process streamlined and intuitive.

Subqueries in Where Clauses

Another powerful use of subqueries is within where clauses. For instance, to find all users that have created a post:

$active_users = User::whereExists(function ($query) {
          ->whereRaw('posts.user_id = users.id');

This query only fetches users with at least one post in the posts table.

Ordering by a Subquery

Sometimes, we might want to order our main query based on a value from a subquery:

$users = User::orderByDesc(
        ->whereColumn('user_id', 'users.id')
        ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

In the above example, we’re ordering our users by the latest post’s created_at timestamp.

Using Closure-based Subqueries

Laravel 6 and above supports Closure-based subqueries, which allow defining the subquery utilizing a Closure. This can improve readibility and make the code more approachable:

$posts = Post::addSelect(['user_name' => function ($query) {
        ->whereColumn('users.id', 'posts.user_id')

Tips and Best Practices

  • Use subqueries judiciously to balance readability against performance.
  • Test your subqueries separately to verify correctness and performance.
  • Remember to index foreign keys and columns used in where clauses for subqueries.
  • Use Laravel’s debug methods to inspect the actual SQL queries.


Subqueries are a potent feature of the Laravel Query Builder that helps manage complex database operations neatly and efficiently. With the examples you’ve seen in this tutorial, you are now well-equipped to start implementing subqueries in your Laravel applications to streamline your data-fetching logic.

Leverage the power of Laravel to write less code, avoid multiple queries, and potentially gain performance improvements with well-crafted subqueries. Remember that every database query you send through Laravel can be as simple or sophisticated as required to meet your application’s needs while maintaining elegant syntax and readability.