Explaining numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 types (5 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 are data types provided by NumPy, a fundamental package for numeric computing with Python. These types are specifically designed to handle 64-bit integers, with numpy.int64 being a signed integer (capable of representing both positive and negative numbers) and numpy.uint64 being an unsigned integer (capable of representing only positive numbers, but with a larger positive range compared to numpy.int64).

In this tutorial, we will explore these data types with examples of their uses, ranging from basic to advanced levels, to understand how they can be effectively utilized in numerical computations and data analysis tasks. Let’s dive into the intriguing world of numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64.

Example 1 – Basic Usage and Initialization

Before diving into complex examples, it’s crucial to understand how to initiate and work with numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 types. Doing so requires importing the NumPy package and using its array or specific data type functions.

import numpy as np

# Creating a numpy.int64 type number
int64_num = np.int64(10)

# Creating a numpy.uint64 type number
uint64_num = np.uint64(20)


<class 'numpy.int64'>
<class 'numpy.uint64'>

This example showcases the basic initialization of numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 values. It also highlights the difference between the two types: signed versus unsigned integers.

Example 2 – Array Creation and Manipulation

Both numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 can be efficiently used to create arrays. These arrays can then be manipulated using various NumPy operations.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array of int64
int64_array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64)

# Creating an array of uint64
uint64_array = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.uint64)


[1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8]

This example demonstrates the creation of arrays with specific data types and shows how to enforce data types at creation.

Example 3 – Arithmetical Operations

Understanding how to perform arithmetical operations with numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 is essential. It’s noteworthy to mention that operations involving unsigned integers must be handled with care, especially regarding subtractive operations that might lead from an underflow if the operation results in a negative number.

import numpy as np

# Arithmetical operations with int64
int64_sum = np.int64(10) + np.int64(20)
print('Sum (int64):', int64_sum)

int64_difference = np.int64(20) - np.int64(30)
print('Difference (int64):', int64_difference)

# Arithmetical operations with uint64
uint64_product = np.uint64(10) * np.uint64(3)
print('Product (uint64):', uint64_product)

    uint64_underflow = np.uint64(10) - np.uint64(20)
    print('Difference (uint64):', uint64_underflow)
except OverflowError as e:
    print('Error:', str(e))


'Sum (int64): 30'
'Difference (int64): -10'
'Product (uint64): 30'
'Error: Python int too large to convert to C long'

This section highlights the care needed when working with unsigned integers and subtractive operations to avoid underflows, showcasing how numpy handles such situations.

Example 4 – Using int64 and uint64 in Real-World Data

Handling large datasets often necessitates the use of large integers. Here, we illustrate how to work with these types in scenarios mimicking real-world data manipulations, such as loading large integer datasets from files and performing computations.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Assuming csv_data.csv contains large integer values
# Loading data and specifying dtype
large_ints_df = pd.read_csv('csv_data.csv', dtype=np.uint64)

# Example operations on the dataset
max_value = large_ints_df['column_name'].max()
print('Maximum value in dataset:', max_value)

Pandas, another powerful Python library for data manipulation, integrates seamlessly with NumPy, allowing specification of numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 types for data columns, aiding in handling large numerical datasets efficiently.

Example 5 – Advanced Manipulations: Bitwise Operations

Both numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 support bitwise operations, providing a powerful toolset for tasks such as digital signal processing or cryptography. Here we show a basic example:

import numpy as np

# Bitwise AND operation
and_result = np.bitwise_and(np.uint64(6), np.uint64(3))
print('Bitwise AND result:', and_result)

# Bitwise OR operation
or_result = np.bitwise_or(np.uint64(6), np.uint64(3))
print('Bitwise OR result:', or_result)


'Bitwise AND result: 2'
'Bitwise OR result: 7'

This section demonstrates the flexibility of numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 in performing low-level, efficient bitwise operations, critical in certain specialized computing areas.


The NumPy library’s numpy.int64 and numpy.uint64 data types offer powerful solutions for handling 64-bit integers, supporting a wide range of applications from basic arithmetic to specialized bitwise operations. Understanding these types and their appropriate use cases can greatly assist in efficient data handling and computation in various scientific and engineering tasks.