Explaining numpy.logical_or() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Numpy, a cornerstone library in the world of Python data science, stands on the front lines of mathematical, scientific, and engineering computing. Among its vast function library, numpy.logical_or() is a critical component, particularly when it comes to working with Boolean indexing and condition-based filtering. This tutorial aims to dissect the numpy.logical_or() function through a variety of examples, escalating from basic to advanced use cases, to convey its importance and adaptability within your workflows.

Understanding numpy.logical_or()

At its core, numpy.logical_or() operates on Boolean arrays. Its primary function is to compute the element-wise logical OR operation between two arrays (or between an array and a scalar), returning a new array filled with Boolean values. Simply put, it examines corresponding elements from two arrays and returns True if at least one element is True, otherwise false.

import numpy as np

array1 = np.array([True, False, True])
array2 = np.array([False, True, False])
result = np.logical_or(array1, array2)

print(result) # Outputs: [ True, True, True ]

Example 1: Basic Usage

In the simplest form, the numpy.logical_or() function can be used to perform logical OR operations between two boolean arrays. This is a straightforward use case that highlights the fundamental concept of the function.

import numpy as np

# Define two boolean arrays
bool_array1 = np.array([True, False, True, False])
bool_array2 = np.array([False, False, True, True])

# Use numpy.logical_or() to compare
result = np.logical_or(bool_array1, bool_array2)

print("Logical OR result:", result)


Logical OR result: [ True False  True  True]

The output showcases how numpy.logical_or() evaluates each element pair between the two arrays, accurately reflecting the logic we’d expect: [True, False, True, True].

Example 2: With Numeric Arrays

Interestingly, numpy.logical_or() is not limited to purely Boolean arrays. When applied to numeric arrays, NumPy internally treats zeros as False and any other number as True. This feature can be particularly useful in scenarios involving condition-based filtering.

import numpy as np

# Numeric arrays
numeric_array1 = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
numeric_array2 = np.array([3, 0, 1, 0])

# Using numpy.logical_or() on numeric arrays
result = np.logical_or(numeric_array1, numeric_array2)

print("Logical OR with numeric arrays:", result)


Logical OR with numeric arrays: [ True  True  True  True]

The output: [True, True, True, True] demonstrates how the function still adheres to the logical OR principles, recognizing any non-zero number as True.

Example 3: Applying to Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Expanding its utility, numpy.logical_or() easily accommodates multi-dimensional arrays, allowing for more complex and comprehensive analyses.

import numpy as np

# Create two 2D arrays
array1 = np.array([[True, False], [False, True]])
array2 = np.array([[False, True], [True, False]])

# Apply logical_or to 2D arrays
result = np.logical_or(array1, array2)

print("2D array logical OR result:", result)

The function proficiently manages to compare each corresponding element’s value from the two-dimensional arrays, reflecting the expected output: [[True, True], [True, True]].

Example 4: Advanced Filtering with Conditions

The power of numpy.logical_or() truly shines in its use for advanced conditional filtering. This illustrates a dynamic application where real-world datasets or complex scenarios might necessitate nuanced decision-making.

import numpy as np

# Real-world dataset example (simplified)
data = np.array([30, 15, 100, 45, 57])
qualifying_conditions = np.logical_or(data > 50, data % 3 == 0)

# Applying condition
filtered_data = data[qualifying_conditions]

print("Filtered data based on conditions:", filtered_data)

In this instance, the dataset is filtered down to elements that are either greater than 50 or are multiples of 3, showcasing numpy.logical_or()‘s capability to integrate seamlessly into conditional data processing flows.


numpy.logical_or() function is a testament to the flexibility and power of the Numpy library. Through these examples, starting from the basic functioning with Boolean arrays to advanced data filtering techniques, we have seen its utility across a spectrum of scenarios. When working on data-driven projects, understanding and applying logical OR in an efficient manner can significantly streamline and enhance your data analysis pipeline.