Explore Date Construction Functions in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


PostgreSQL, like many other relational databases, offers a plethora of functions to handle dates and times effectively. These functions allow you to create, manipulate, and retrieve dates and times based on various inputs, which is essential for performing time-based queries, generating reports, and much more. Understanding these functions is crucial for developers and database administrators who work with temporal data in PostgreSQL.

Date Construction Functions in PostgreSQL

Date construction functions in PostgreSQL were not added in a specific version but have been part of the language for many years and have improved with subsequent releases of PostgreSQL. These functions serve the purpose of creating date or timestamp values based on specific components such as year, month, and day. They are instrumental in applications that require translating separate date and time components into comparable date-time objects.

Syntax and Parameters

The common syntax for date construction functions in PostgreSQL is as follows:

make_date(year, month, day)make_time(hour, min, sec, msec)
make_timestamp(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
make_timestamptz(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, timezone)

Each function takes components as parameters:

  • year: An integer representing the year.
  • month: An integer from 1 to 12 representing the month.
  • day: An integer representing the day of the month.
  • hour, min, sec: Integers representing hour, minute, and seconds respectively.
  • msec: An optional numeric representing milliseconds.
  • timezone: A string representing the timezone (only for make_timestamptz).

The returned value is a DATE or TIMESTAMP object depending on which function you use.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Constructing a DATE

To create a specific date, specify the year, month, and day. It’s essential to ensure each argument is a valid date component. A common use case is generating dates for a report or during the insertion of rows with date information.

This example demonstrates how to construct a simple date in PostgreSQL using the make_date function.

SELECT make_date(2023, 4, 15) AS constructed_date;

This will result in the output:

(1 row)

Example 2: Constructing a TIMESTAMP

While make_date only constructs a date, make_timestamp will create a date and time together. This is more practical when recording events that include the exact time of occurrence.

Here’s how to construct a timestamp that includes both date and time.

SELECT make_timestamp(2023, 4, 15, 8, 30, 00) AS constructed_timestamp;


 2023-04-15 08:30:00
(1 row)

Example 3: Constructing a TIMESTAMP with Time Zone

When dealing with international applications, consider time zone adjustments when constructing timestamps. make_timestamptz can accommodate this by taking an additional timezone parameter.

This example demonstrates constructing a time zone-aware timestamp:

SELECT make_timestamptz(2023, 4, 15, 8, 30, 00, 'America/New_York') AS constructed_timestamptz;

Results in:

 2023-04-15 08:30:00-04
(1 row)


PostgreSQL’s date construction functions such as make_date, make_time, make_timestamp, and make_timestamptz are robust tools in the hands of developers dealing with temporal data. They are designed to offer flexibility in creating various forms of date and time objects from individual components. Whether you need to perform straightforward date manipulations or handle complex scheduling in multiple time zones, these functions have got you covered. By mastering these functions, developers can enhance the functionality and reliability of their database operations concerning temporal data.