Exploring char.count() function in NumPy (3 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, primarily known for its numerical computing capabilities, also offers a range of functions to handle arrays of strings. Among these, char.count() stands out for its ability to rapidly count substrings within an array’s elements. Understanding its application can streamline many text analysis tasks.

The Purpose of char.count()

The char.count() function in NumPy is a unique and useful method for processing arrays of strings, especially when it comes to counting occurrences of specific substrings. This guide will demonstrate how to leverage this function effectively, through three illustrative examples, encompassing basic to advanced use cases.


numpy.char.count(a, sub, start=0, end=None)


  • a: array_like of str or unicode. Input array.
  • sub: str or unicode. The substring to be counted in each element of a.
  • start: int, optional. The start position from which to begin counting (default is 0).
  • end: int, optional. The end position up to which the substring occurrences are counted. If not specified, counting continues to the end of each string.


  • count: ndarray. An array of the same shape as a, containing the count of occurrences of sub in each element of a.

Example #1 – Basic Usage of char.count()

Let’s start with a basic example to illustrate how char.count() operates. The goal here is to count the number of times the letter ‘a’ appears in each element of an array.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array of strings
arr = np.array(['apple', 'banana', 'apricot', 'avocado'])

# Counting occurrences of 'a'
result = np.char.count(arr, 'a')

print("Number of 'a's in each element:", result)


[1, 3, 2, 3]

In this simple example, char.count() efficiently calculates the number of ‘a’s in each string of the array. The result is a NumPy array of the same shape, containing the counts for each element.

Example #2 – Counting Multiple Substrings

In our second example, we explore how to count multiple different substrings within the same array of strings. Using char.count() in a loop or with array operations, you can perform this task efficiently.

import numpy as np

# Another array of strings
arr = np.array(['mississippi', 'impossible', 'position'])

# Substrings to count
substrings = ['iss', 'pos']

# Counting each substring
for substring in substrings:
    counts = np.char.count(arr, substring)
    print(f"Count of '{substring}' in each element:", counts)


Count of 'iss' in each element: [2, 0, 0]
Count of 'pos' in each element: [0, 1, 1]

This example showcases the adaptability of char.count() for different substrings, offering extensive flexibility for text analysis tasks such as sentiment analysis or feature extraction in natural language processing (NLP) projects.

Example #3 – Working with Multidimensional Arrays

Moving to a slightly more advanced application, let’s see how char.count() can be used with multidimensional arrays, a common scenario in data analysis projects.

import numpy as np

# Creating a 2D array of strings
arr_2d = np.array([['hello world', 'goodbye world'], ['world hello', 'goodbye then']])

# Counting occurrences of 'world'
result_2d = np.char.count(arr_2d, 'world')

print("Number of 'world's in each element:", result_2d)


[[1, 1],
  [1, 0]]

This example demonstrates char.count()‘s compatibility with arrays of any dimensionality, maintaining the same usage simplicity. The operation seamlessly adapts to the array structure, providing counters that align with the shape of the original array.


The char.count() function in NumPy is a versatile tool for text analysis, capable of efficiently handling a variety of tasks, from basic character counts to more complex applications involving multidimensional arrays and varying substrings. Its integration into NumPy makes it an essential function for Python developers engaged in data science and natural language processing, enabling them to enrich their analysis with meaningful insights driven by textual data. With these examples, users should feel encouraged to explore the breadth of possibilities that char.count() offers in their projects.