Exploring char.translate() function in NumPy (5 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The char.translate() function within NumPy is a useful tool for manipulating strings at a vectorized level. This guide will explore its capabilities through five progressively complex examples, highlighting the versatility and efficiency it brings to data preparation and transformation tasks.

Understanding char.translate()

Before diving into examples, let’s establish what char.translate() is. This function is part of NumPy’s character array class (numpy.char) and allows for the efficient transformation of each element in an array of strings according to a translation table. Such capabilities make it invaluable for tasks involving text processing, like cleaning or data normalization in a vectorized and hence, faster manner.


numpy.char.translate(a, table, deletechars=None)


  • a: array_like of str or unicode. Input array of strings to be translated.
  • table: dict or array_like of unicode. A translation table. This table is typically created using the str.maketrans() method in Python, which maps characters to their replacement or maps them to None for deletion.
  • deletechars: str, optional. A string of characters to be deleted from the strings in a. This parameter is deprecated and its use is not recommended. Instead, specify characters to delete as part of the table using None as the mapping.


  • out: ndarray. An array of the same shape as a, containing the translated strings.

Example 1: Basic Character Replacement

This initial example demonstrates a simple character replacement.

import numpy as np

# Sample array of strings
data = np.array(['hello', 'world'])
# Create translation table
table = str.maketrans('l', 'x')
# Apply char.translate()
result = np.char.translate(data, table)


['hexxo' 'worxd']

This example illustrates how to replace all instances of ‘l’ with ‘x’ in each string.

Example 2: Removing Characters Using translate()

To remove characters, simply map them to None in the translation table.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['example', 'remove this'])
table = str.maketrans('', '', 'aeiou')
result = np.char.translate(data, table)


['xmpl' 'rmv ths']

Here, all vowels are removed, showcasing char.translate()‘s capability for character deletion.

Example 3: Complex Transformations

The functionality isn’t limited to simple replacements or deletions. Let’s explore a more comprehensive transformation, involving multiple replacements.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['123', 'abc', '456'])
table = str.maketrans('abc123', 'xyz789')
result = np.char.translate(data, table)


['789' 'xyz' '456']

This example demonstrates complex mappings, changing ‘abc’ to ‘xyz’ and ‘123’ to ‘789’ in a single step.

Example 4: Working with Multiple Arrays

NumPy’s vectorized operations allow char.translate() to work across multiple arrays efficiently. This steps up its practicality in data preprocessing tasks.

import numpy as np

data1 = np.array(['hello', 'numpy'])
data2 = np.array(['world', 'python'])
table = str.maketrans('lopy', '1234')
result1 = np.char.translate(data1, table)
result2 = np.char.translate(data2, table)


['he11' 'n3m4']
['w3r1d' '34th4n']

In this instance, inter-array uniformity is maintained while transforming characters based on a shared translation table.

Example 5: Integrating with Data Analysis Workflows

The final example integrates char.translate() into a more comprehensive data analysis workflow. This scenario simulates cleaning textual data as part of data preprocessing in preparation for future analysis.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Creating a DataFrame of strings
dataFrame = pd.DataFrame({'Text': ['This is an example', 'Data cleaning 101', 'numpy! & & numpy!']}),
                          'Category': ['Tutorial', 'Guide', 'Reference']}
# Create translation table
table = str.maketrans('!', '1', '&')
# Apply char.translate() to the 'Text' column
dataFrame['Text'] = np.char.translate(dataFrame['Text'].values.astype(str), table)


              Text   Category
0  This is an example  Tutorial
1    Data cleaning 101    Guide
2     numpy1   1 numpy1  Reference

This example showcases char.translate()‘s power in cleaning and normalizing textual data within a DataFrame, making it ready for analysis.


The char.translate() function in NumPy is a powerful, yet underutilized tool for string manipulation. Through these examples, we’ve seen its utility in basic character replacement, character deletion, complex transformations, efficient operations across multiple arrays, and as a part of broader data analysis workflows. With these capabilities, char.translate() proves to be an invaluable asset in the toolkit of any data practitioner looking to preprocess or manipulate textual data efficiently.