first-of-type and last-of-type in Tailwind CSS

Updated: December 18, 2023 By: Khue Post a comment

In CSS, we have the :first-of-type and :last-of-type selectors for targeting the first and the last elements among a group of sibling elements. In Tailwind CSS, the equivalents are the first-of-type and last-of-type modifiers, respectively. Below is a concrete example that makes use of them.


The code:

<body class="p-40 bg-gray-900">
    <ul class="space-y-5">
        <li class="text-white text-xl 
            first-of-type:text-yellow-500 first-of-type:font-italic
            last-of-type:text-blue-500 last-of-type:underline">
            List Item 1</li>
        <li class="text-white text-xl 
            first-of-type:text-yellow-500 first-of-type:font-italic
            last-of-type:text-blue-500 last-of-type:underline">
            List Item 2</li>
        <li class="text-white text-xl 
            first-of-type:text-yellow-500 first-of-type:font-italic
            last-of-type:text-blue-500 last-of-type:underline">
            List Item 3</li>
        <li class="text-white text-xl 
            first-of-type:text-yellow-500 first-of-type:font-italic
            last-of-type:text-blue-500 last-of-type:underline">
            List Item 4</li>
        <li class="text-white text-xl 
            first-of-type:text-yellow-500 first-of-type:font-italic
            last-of-type:text-blue-500 last-of-type:line-through">
            List Item 5</li>

That’s it. Happy coding & have fun with Tailwind CSS!