Fixing error: sequelize.import is not a function in Node.js

Updated: December 29, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Error

When working with Sequelize in Node.js, encountering the “sequelize.import is not a function” error usually indicates that you’re trying to use an outdated method of importing models based on a previous version of Sequelize. In newer versions of Sequelize, the import method has been deprecated and removed. Therefore, calling sequelize.import to load models will not work and results in this error.

Updating Model Import Method

To resolve this issue, we need to update the way we define and import Sequelize models. Instead of using the import method, models should be defined explicitly within their own files and then be required directly using Node.js’s require function.

Example of Model Definition

const { DataTypes } = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = require('./database_instance'); // Replace with path to your Sequelize instance

const ModelName = sequelize.define('ModelName', {
  // define your model schema here

module.exports = ModelName;

Importing and Using the Model

Once we have defined our model, we import it into our project where needed using require. Below is an example of how to import and synchronize the model to ensure it’s properly set up in the database.

const sequelize = require('./database_instance'); // Replace with path to your Sequelize instance
const ModelName = require('./path_to_model'); // Replace with the actual path to your model file

sequelize.sync() // Ensure all models are synced
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Models are synchronized.');
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Failed to synchronize models:', error);


By correctly defining and importing your models via the updated method, you should no longer encounter the “sequelize.import is not a function” error. Always ensuring that your Sequelize version and your model definitions are in sync will help prevent such issues. Keep in mind to consult the official Sequelize migration guides or documentation whenever you upgrade Sequelize to a new major version for any changes in API.