Fix SQLAlchemy ImportError for ‘_ColumnEntity’

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with SQLAlchemy, encountering an ImportError for ‘_ColumnEntity’ can be perplexing. This error often stems from a change in SQLAlchemy’s syntax or internals as the library evolves. Understanding the cause and implementing the right fix is crucial for restoring functionality to your project. Below are several solutions aimed at resolving the issue, along with their advantages and limitations.


Let’s see some solutions for the mentioned error and discuss advantages as well as limitations of each one.

Solution 1: Update SQLAlchemy Version

Sometimes the error can occur due to incompatible versions of SQLAlchemy or when newer syntax is used but the installed library is outdated.

Check if the installed SQLAlchemy version is compatible with the code and update if necessary:

  1. Check your current SQLAlchemy version using pip show sqlalchemy.
  2. Review SQLAlchemy’s changelog for potential breaking changes or updates to verify if you are using a deprecated access pattern or class.
  3. Update SQLAlchemy to the latest version using pip install --upgrade sqlalchemy.
  4. Retry running your project to see if the error persists.


  • Advantages: Ensures that you have the latest features and bug fixes; reduces the likeliness of compatibility issues with syntax changes.
  • Limitations: New versions may introduce other breaking changes that require code modification. Always ensure compatibility with your project’s requirements.

Solution 2: Refactor Code to Use the Correct Class or Function

If ‘_ColumnEntity’ has been moved or renamed in a newer release, your code may require refactoring to align with the new API.

Find the up-to-date class or function that has replaced _ColumnEntity and modify your code accordingly.

  1. Consult the official SQLAlchemy documentation for the updated class or function name.
  2. Search your project for instances where _ColumnEntity is being imported or used.
  3. Refactor the code by replacing _ColumnEntity with the new appropriate class or function.
  4. Test your application to ensure functionality is preserved with the new changes.


# Example of replacing a specific import
from sqlalchemy.orm import new_class_or_function

Some thoughts:

  • Advantages: Keeps your code up-to-date with the current SQLAlchemy API and best practices.
  • Limitations: Requires some research to find the replacement and may necessitate significant changes to your codebase.

Solution 3: Align Dependencies Across Your Environment

Dependency misalignment can lead to unexpected ImportErrors if different parts of your application or its dependencies expect different versions of SQLAlchemy.

Ensure all dependencies are properly aligned with the installed version of SQLAlchemy.

  1. Inspect your requirements.txt or Pipfile for accurate version constraints for SQLAlchemy and related dependencies.
  2. Consider using a virtual environment to isolate and manage dependencies for your project.
  3. Use tools like pip-check or pipdeptree to analyze dependency trees and pinpoint conflicts.
  4. Resolve any highlighted discrepancies by updating your dependency files and reinstalling the correct versions.


# Activating a virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate

# Installing dependencies
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Advantages: Ensures consistent behavior across your development, testing, and production environments.
  • Limitations: Can be challenging and time-consuming to manage complex dependency trees and resolve conflicts.

Final Words

Most issues with ImportErrors in SQLAlchemy can be resolved by updating the library, refactoring code to use the updated API, or aligning dependencies across your project. Each of these solutions comes with its own set of advantages and potential limitations. Ensuring that all team members are aware of such changes and updating documentation accordingly will help maintain a healthy codebase in the long-term.