Fixing Composer error: PHP extension ‘fileinfo’ is missing

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

If you’re a PHP developer, you may at some point encounter the frustrating error message ‘PHP extension ‘fileinfo’ is missing’ when working with Composer, PHP’s dependency manager. This error can halt your installation or updating of PHP packages, hindering your project’s progress. In this guide, we will work through the process of resolving this issue step-by-step.

Understanding the Error

Before diving into a solution, it’s important to understand the error itself. Composer is used to manage dependencies for PHP applications and the ‘fileinfo’ extension it’s referring to is a core PHP extension that provides a host of file-related functionality. This error typically arises because the ‘fileinfo’ extension is not enabled in the configuration of your PHP installation.


  • Terminal or command prompt access.
  • PHP installed on your server or local development environment.
  • Access to the php.ini file or the ability to run PHP commands.

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Verify PHP Installation

Before troubleshooting, ensure that PHP is installed correctly by running the following command:

php -v

This should display the currently installed version of PHP. If PHP is not installed, make sure to install the appropriate version for your development environment before continuing.

Step 2: Locate Your php.ini File

The php.ini file is the primary configuration file for PHP. You need to locate this file in order to enable the ‘fileinfo’ extension. Execute one of the following commands depending on your operating system:

php --ini  # Unix/Linux/Mac
php -i | findstr /c:"Loaded Configuration File" # Windows

Take note of the path to the php.ini file as you’ll need to edit it shortly.

Step 3: Enable the ‘fileinfo’ Extension

Open your php.ini file in a text editor with administrative permissions. Look for the following line:


In some configurations, the line may be absent, or fileinfo may be mentioned without a comment (;) symbol. If the line is commented out with a semicolon, remove the semicolon to enable the extension. If it’s missing, add the line without a comment at the end of the extensions list. Your line should look like this:


Save the changes to your php.ini file and close the editor.

Step 4: Restart Your Web Server

In order for the changes to take effect, you need to restart your web server. Execute the appropriate command for your environment:

sudo service apache2 restart  # For Apache on Unix/Linux/Mac
sudo service nginx restart # For Nginx on Unix/Linux/Mac
Restart-Service -Name # For Windows, replace with your web server's service name.

Step 5: Confirm the Fix

After restarting your server, run the following command to verify that the ‘fileinfo’ extension is now active:

php -m | grep fileinfo

If the ‘fileinfo’ extension is properly enabled, it should appear in the list of modules returned by the command. You can also use ‘phpinfo()’ function in a PHP file and look for ‘fileinfo’ in the resulting webpage to ensure the extension is loaded.

Troubleshooting Additional Issues

If you continue to face issues, consider verifying your PHP version compatibility with Composer, checking if SELinux or similar security subsystems are interfering, or even trying a different installation of PHP.

By navigating PHP extensions and Composer, you’ll improve both your development environment and your ability to address such challenges, allowing you to maintain focus on writing excellent code.


By completing the steps above, you should have successfully resolved the ‘PHP extension ‘fileinfo’ is missing’ error in Composer. If after following these steps, the issue persists, it may be worthwhile to double-check the version of PHP Composer expects or consult with your hosting service/environment documentation for any peculiarities specific to PHP on their platform.

Remember that keeping an eye on your development environment’s configuration is essential for a smooth development process. Errors like these, while frustrating, provide an opportunity to learn more about the systems we work with daily.