Fixing composer.json error – failed to open stream: Permission denied

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Composer is an integral part of modern PHP development. However, at times you might encounter a frustrating issue where you see an error message like ‘failed to open stream: Permission denied’ when trying to update or install a package using Composer. This error can halt your development workflow, but luckily, in most cases, it’s an issue related to file permissions that can be fixed with a few commands.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to diagnose and fix the ‘failed to open stream: Permission denied’ error while working with composer.json. We will look into the causes of permission issues and step through how to safely change permissions to resolve this error.

Understanding File Permissions

Before diving into the specifics of fixing the Composer error, it’s crucial to understand the underlying cause of most permission-related errors: file system permissions. In Unix-like operating systems, each file and directory has associated permissions that dictate who can read, write, or execute the file. These permissions protect your files from unauthorized access or modification.

Users in Unix systems are identified by their user ID (UID) and are assigned to various groups, each with its own group ID (GID). Files and directories are ‘owned’ by a UID and a GID, and permissions are set accordingly for three categories of users: the owner (user), the group, and others (world).

Diagnosing the Issue

To begin diagnosing the ‘failed to open stream: Permission denied’ error with Composer, you first need to understand what it means. The error message means Composer is unable to read or write to the composer.json file or another file in your project directory due to insufficient permissions. The problem lies in who is trying to access the file, and what permissions they have.

Run the following command to check the current permissions on your composer.json file:

ls -l composer.json

This will output the permissions, the file owner, and the owner’s group for composer.json. The typical permissions look like this: ‘-rw-r–r–‘, indicating that the owner has read-write permissions, the group has read permissions, and others also have read permissions.

Fixing the Permissions

Now that you’ve identified the issue, it’s time to resolve it. The simplest solution is to ensure that the user running Composer has the necessary permissions to access the composer.json file and other relevant files or directories.

It’s essential to execute Composer as the same user that owns the project files, or at least a user that has sufficient permissions set to avoid any permission errors.

If the permissions on your file allow only the owner to write, you may need to change the owner to the user running Composer:

sudo chown {your-username} composer.json

In case your entire project needs permission adjustments, the following command recursively changes ownership of all files in the project directory:

sudo chown -R {your-username}:{your-usergroup} /path/to/project

Another aspect to consider is when Composer itself does not have sufficient permissions to create folders or files in the global directory. This is a common scenario when Composer is run with ‘sudo’ which can lead to a mixed permission setup. Avoid using ‘sudo’ with Composer except for global system-wide setups.

Using File Access Control Lists (ACLs)

If changing file ownership isn’t a viable solution due, a more nuanced approach involves using Access Control Lists (ACLs). ACLs allow you to define fine-grained permissions for multiple users or groups on a single file. This is particularly useful for collaborative environments.

To grant specific user rights to read and write to the composer.json file without changing the owner, use:

setfacl -m u:{your-username}:rw composer.json

This is a non-destructive way to add permissions and is often preferred in shared environments.

Resolving Global Composer Permission Issues

Sometimes, the ‘failed to open stream: Permission denied’ error may not relate to your project files directly but the global composer directory, often found at ~/.composer or ~/.config/composer depending on your system. To fix permissions for the global composer directory, you can execute:

sudo chown -R {your-username} ~/.composer


Encountering ‘failed to open stream: Permission denied’ while using Composer is a common issue typically related to file permissions. Throughout this tutorial, we walked through understanding filesystem permissions, identifying the permission errors with Composer, and various methods to fix such errors including changing file ownership, adjusting permissions, and using ACLs.

With this knowledge, you can confidently resolve permissions issues and maintain a healthy development environment using Composer. Always remember to enact the least privilege principle: only grant as much access as necessary for a user to perform their functions, and no more. Happy coding!

Additional Tips

Here are a few additional tips for managing Composer and file permissions in the future:

  • Run Composer without ‘sudo’ whenever possible to avoid permissions issues.
  • Periodically check the permissions on your project files, especially if multiple users are working on the same files.
  • Consider using version control systems like Git which can help keep track of file changes and permissions.
  • When deploying, ensure your deployment scripts set the correct permissions automatically to avoid manual errors.