Fixing Kafka java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Updated: January 31, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that is widely used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. Kafka can handle large volumes of data efficiently. However, while using Kafka, you might encounter the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error, which is crucial to resolve to maintain the integrity of your data and the availability of your service. This article discusses the common causes and provides systematic solutions to fix this error.

Common Causes

The OutOfMemoryError in Kafka typically occurs due to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running out of heap space. This can happen if:

  • The Kafka instance is trying to handle more messages than it can process.
  • There are memory leaks within the application code or third-party libraries.
  • Improper garbage collection settings or a suboptimal heap memory allocation.
  • Too much load with insufficient resources on the Kafka server.
  • Kafka configurations that do not align with the hardware resources.


Solution #1 – Increase Heap Memory

One of the simplest and most effective ways to resolve the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in Kafka is to allocate more heap space to the JVM.

  • Review your current heap settings in the Kafka start-up scripts (e.g., or kafka-server-start.bat).
  • Estimate the appropriate heap size based on your Kafka usage and the memory capacity of your server.
  • Modify the KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS environment variable to increase the heap size.


# Example of increasing the heap size to 4GB
export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx4G -Xms4G"

Notes: Be careful not to allocate too much memory, as this could affect other applications on the server. Also, make sure that the Kafka server actually has the amount of memory available.

Solution #2 – Tune JVM Garbage Collection

JVM performance can significantly impact Kafka. Tuning the garbage collection (GC) process can mitigate memory issues.

  1. Identify which garbage collector is currently being used by checking the JAVA_OPTS or Kafka configuration.
  2. Decide on a suitable garbage collector for your workload. The G1 collector is often recommended for applications that require large heap sizes.
  3. Adjust your Kafka start-up scripts to use the new GC settings.


# Example of setting G1 garbage collector
export KAFKA_OPTS="-XX:+UseG1GC"

Notes: Garbage collection tuning is a complex task that may require observing application behavior over time. Advanced settings should be handled with care as they can lead to even more memory issues if not configured correctly.

Solution #3 – Optimize Kafka Configurations

Adjusting Kafka configurations can also prevent memory errors. This involves settings like message.max.bytes, replica.fetch.max.bytes, and fetch.message.max.bytes to control the size of messages and batches.

  1. Plan and understand the message size that your Kafka instance needs to handle.
  2. Modify the appropriate settings in the Kafka server properties file.


# Example configurations

Notes: Ensuring that your Kafka configurations are in harmony with the environment and load will improve overall stability. Be mindful that conservative settings might limit throughput.

Solution #4 – Monitor and Plug Memory Leaks

Memory leaks can occur within your Kafka application or in the client code. Monitoring tools can help to identify leaks.

  1. Choose a monitoring tool suitable for your environment (e.g., jVisualVM, JProfiler, or Elasticsearch).
  2. Run the tool and analyze heap usage to detect potential memory leak patterns.
  3. Once a memory leak is suspected, identify the leaking objects and trace back their references.
  4. Address the leaks in your application code and validate by monitoring.

Notes: Memory leak detection and correction can be time-consuming. However, it will provide long-term stability and performance benefits to your Kafka deployment.


In conclusion, resolving java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space requires careful analysis and application of various strategies such as increasing heap space, tuning garbage collection, optimizing Kafka configurations, and rigorously monitoring to detect any potential memory leaks. Considering the pros and cons of each measure will help ensure Kafka’s high performance and reliable operation in the face of vast amounts of data.