Fixing Kubernetes Error: ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull

Updated: January 31, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


As Kubernetes continues to gain popularity, developers and operations teams working with containers must understand how to debug and resolve common issues. Two frequent errors encountered when working with Kubernetes deployments are ImagePullBackOff and ErrImagePull. These errors occur when a Kubernetes pod cannot pull a container image from a registry to start a container. This tutorial will guide you through common reasons for these errors and offer step-by-step solutions to resolve them.

Understanding the Errors

  • ImagePullBackOff: This indicates that Kubernetes has failed multiple attempts to pull the container image.
  • ErrImagePull: This error signifies that the container image could not be pulled for reasons such as incorrect image name, non-existent tag, or authentication issues.

Common Reasons for Image Pull Errors

  • Nonexistent image or wrong image name
  • Insufficient permissions or incorrect credentials
  • Network issues or docker registry unavailability
  • Image pull quota exceeded

Solutions to Resolve Image Pull Errors

Check Image Name and Tag

Ensure the image name and tag specified in your pod configuration are correct.

  1. Use kubectl describe pod [pod-name] to display pod information.
  2. Verify the image name and tag are accurately specified.
$ kubectl describe pod my-pod
# Look for the 'Image' field under 'Containers'

Note: The Docker image must be available in the registry you are pulling from with the exact name and tag.

Verify Image Registry Credentials

Confirm if the secret containing the registry credentials is properly created and referenced.

  1. Create a Docker registry secret with the correct username and password.
  2. Reference the secret in the pod’s image pull secrets.
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry my-registry-secret --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=REGISTRY_USER --docker-password=REGISTRY_PASSWORD --docker-email=REGISTRY_EMAIL

# To reference in a pod
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  - name: my-container
    image: my-image
  - name: my-registry-secret

Note: This resolves issues where private registries require authentication, which might not be properly set up.

Inspect Network Configuration

Analyze network configurations to rule out issues like firewall blocking access to your Docker registry.

  1. Check if any firewall rules disallow network traffic to the image registry.
  2. Ensure that DNS is resolving the registry URL to the correct IP address.
  3. Confirm that your Kubernetes nodes have network access to your registry.

Note: Network issues can prevent pods from reaching the registry and must be addressed administratively.

Check Registry Quotas and Rates

Some registries have quotas or rate limits. Make sure you are not exceeding these limits.

  1. Inspect the registry’s documentation for information on limits.
  2. Contact registry support if you suspect quota exceeded.

Note: Exceeding quotas might require you to wait or upgrade your registry usage plan.


Debugging ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull in Kubernetes can be challenging, but often it comes down to common issues like typos in image names, registry authentication, network configuration, or quota limitations. Methodical checks and following the solutions above should help you get your deployments running smoothly again.