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Fixing MaxRetryError in Python Requests Module

Last updated: January 02, 2024

When working with the Python Requests module, developers may sometimes come across a ‘MaxRetryError.’ This error is typically thrown when the Requests library exhausts its connection retries to a server that is not responding. This article explains the reasons behind the ‘MaxRetryError’ and provides pragmatic solutions to address the issue.

Understanding MaxRetryError

The ‘MaxRetryError’ occurs due to several possible reasons:

  • The destination server might be down or unreachable.
  • Intermittent network issues could be preventing the connection.
  • The server is taking too long to respond, leading to a timeout.
  • The requested URL is incorrect or no longer exists.
  • Connection pooling and reuse might lead to stale or unusable connections.


To cope with this problem, we can utilize various strategies to handle connection retries and errors more gracefully:

Solution 1: Increase the Max Retries

By increasing the maximum number of retries, the Requests module will attempt to connect multiple times before giving up. This can be particularly helpful with temporary network issues or transient server unavailability.

The steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules from ‘requests’ and ‘urllib3.’
  2. Update the ‘requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter’ with a higher max retries value.
  3. Mount the adapter to an instance of a ‘requests.Session.’

Code example:

import requests from urllib3.util 
import Retry from requests.adapters 
import HTTPAdapter 

session = requests.Session() 
retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.1) 
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) 
session.mount('http://', adapter) 
session.mount('https://', adapter) 
response = session.get('') 

Advantages: Increases the probability of a successful connection in unstable networks.

Limitations: May not help if the server is perpetually down.

Solution 2: Implement Exponential Backoff

Implementing an exponential backoff strategy consists of incrementally increasing the wait time between retries. This approach is particularly useful for complying with server rate-limiting and for handling peak loads.

This approach is a 2-step process:

  1. Configure the ‘Retry’ class from ‘urllib3’ to use an exponential backoff factor.
  2. Apply the same set-up code from Solution 1.

Please refer to the code in Solution 1, but modify the ‘Retry’ class initialization with a non-zero ‘backoff_factor.’

Advantages: Compliant with servers applying rate limiting and decongesting network traffic during peak times.

Limitations: Less aggressive retry attempts may delay connection time.

Solution 3: Set a Timeout

Establishing a timeout prevents hanging requests and indicates when to consider an attempt as failed. This conserves resources and allows for subsequent retry attempts in a timely manner:

  1. Define the timeout duration.
  2. Include the timeout parameter within the ‘get’ or ‘post’ request.


import requests TIMEOUT_DURATION = 5 
response = requests.get('', timeout=TIMEOUT_DURATION) 

Advantages: Eliminates indefinite wait times, freeing up resources for additional attempts.

Limitations: A short timeout might result in failed attempts during valid slow responses from the server.

Solution 4: Circuit Breaker Pattern

Implementing a circuit breaker pattern helps control the impact of repeated failures when accessing a service. This pattern temporarily halts the retry mechanism after a threshold of failures, giving the system time to recover. You can use libraries like ‘pybreaker’ or ‘circuitbreaker’ available on PyPi to simplify these processes.

Advantages: Prevents a storm of retries which might exacerbate the issue.

Limitations: Complexity in implementation and external dependencies.

Solution 5: Analyze and Handle the Underlying Cause

Investigating the root cause behind the retries can lead to a more permanent fix. For example, if it’s an invalid URL, it should be corrected.

No code modification is needed. The necessary actions may vary greatly based on the specifics of the error. Investigation could entail pinging the server, checking with the system administrator, or ensuring the correctness of the URL.

Advantages: Addresses the core issue possibly eliminating the occurrence of ‘MaxRetryError.’

Limitations: Time-consuming and might require collaboration with network or server teams.

Next Article: Python ‘requests’ module: How to disable log messages

Previous Article: Python ‘requests’ Module: How to Disable Warnings

Series: Python: Network & JSON tutorials


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