Fixing MySQL error 2006: mysql server has gone away

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding MySQL error 2006

MySQL error 2006: ‘mysql server has gone away’ is a common message that developers encounter when the connection between the application and MySQL server is interrupted. The reasons for this can vary. It can be due to the server timing out the connection, packet size issues, or MySQL server closing the connection if it has not been active for the duration specified in the ‘wait_timeout’ setting.

Solutions to Fix MySQL Error 2006

Increasing the wait_timeout Value

If the reason is that the server closed the connection due to inactivity, increasing the ‘wait_timeout’ value might resolve the issue.

  1. Login to your MySQL server using an administrative tool like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench.
  2. Access the configuration file (usually my.cnf or my.ini).
  3. Locate the [mysqld] section and set the ‘wait_timeout’ to a higher value such as 28800 (which represents 8 hours).
  4. Restart the MySQL server to apply the changes.

Notes: This solution is only applicable if the server’s inactivity is the cause. It may not correct issues related to network problems or queries that require a long time to execute.

Increasing the max_allowed_packet Size

Another common cause for this error is related to the size of the data packets being sent to MySQL. If you know the query being processed when the error occurs involves large amounts of data, consider increasing the ‘max_allowed_packet’ setting.

  1. Access the MySQL configuration file as mentioned in the previous step.
  2. Under the [mysqld] section, increase the ‘max_allowed_packet’ to a larger size. For instance, you can try setting it to 16M or 32M.
  3. Restart the MySQL service to see the change take effect.

Notes: Increasing ‘max_allowed_packet’ could potentially lead to increased memory usage. It’s essential to ensure that your server has enough memory to handle the larger packet sizes without causing performance issues.

Check for Network Issues

Network problems can also cause MySQL to drop the connection. Ensure that your network is reliable and doesn’t exhibit intermittent failures that may disrupt communication between your application and the server.

  1. Review your network logs for any signs of instability or momentary failures.
  2. Ensure stable connectivity between your application and MySQL server.

This solution only involves hardware and network configuration.

Notes: Sometimes, server and networking issues can be outside of your control. You may need to work with your internet service provider (ISP) or hosting service to resolve such issues.

Enable auto-reconnect in Client

In certain client libraries or application frameworks, there are options or configurations that enable the database client to automatically reconnect if the connection drops.

  1. Review the documentation for your particular MySQL client library.
  2. Find and enable the relevant auto-reconnect options.

For example, in a PHP setting with mysqli, you could use:

$mysqli = new mysqli('host', 'user', 'password', 'db');
if ($mysqli->connect_error) { 
    die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') ' . $mysqli->connect_error);
$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 300);
$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_RECONNECT, 1);

Notes: While auto-reconnect features can mask a problem rather than solve it, they can be useful for situations where occasional disconnections are unavoidable or the source of the disconnection is being diagnosed.

Optimize Long Queries

If the error occurs during the execution of a particularly long or resource-intensive query, optimizing the query to reduce execution time may help.

  1. Analyze the query and examine the query plan using tools such as EXPLAIN.
  2. Identify any inefficiencies like full table scans or missing indexes.
  3. Make necessary optimizations such as adding indexes, rewriting the query or breaking it into smaller parts.

The solution will vary greatly based on the specific query and database schema.

Notes: Query optimization often requires a good understanding of database schemas and indexing. Proficiently using tools like EXPLAIN to understand how queries are executed will guide the optimization process effectively.